
Welcome over to hive then!

I think if you keep your focus on the things you like and the communities then you won’t need to involve yourself or care about the politics.

I see that you enjoy sports, what else? I know there’s a great amount of sports content on here.

Don’t discount this place too much! After all you get out what you put in. Give no effort and you get nothing but if you put in effort you will be rewarded. Keep that in mind!

I mainly used steemit as a sports writing outlet. Primarily draft kings values and weekly streamers for seasonal fantasy football. I'm into cooking and anarcho capitalist things as well but there's better people than me writing about those topics lol. I did take a season off last year on steem. With any luck I can find some time to write again

Well I think the organization of communities will make it easier to collaborate with people of like mind and interests as you. The deep dives community is great for anarchy stuff but I’m not completely familiar with anarchocapatlist ideas though it seems to be capitalism sans government from the name of it.

I think there’s a lot of authors on here who write about all of your interests!

From what I've gathered - pros - it's not Steemit, lol. Seems like all of the games and whatnot have switched over to Hive. I'm actually powering down my Steem and converting it to Hive.

I don't post much of any actual content, but do use Actifit - figured it's a good way to have a post and get some free upvotes. If you're interested, I'll send ya my referral since I don't think I've actually referred anyone, haha