Splinterlands Node License APR analysis

in #sps4 months ago


There's been lots of talk about Nodes and their current rate of return recently, so I wanted to update an analysis I did a while back and see how things look today.

You can reference the table below for full details on the APR, which is based on the # of licenses sold, the current SP reward pool for license holders, the price of $SPS, and the price of $VOUCHER.

A few notes:

  • SPS reward pool for license holders: currently ~2.783M / month (I did this by reverse engineering my own rewards).
  • The voucher and SPS price increments for the table are just random increments I decided on for the sensitivity analysis
  • I used a SPS/Voucher price ratio of 0.6, but obviously this could be significantly different depending on changes to the respective tokens' utilities
  • As a reminder, the SPS and Voucher pools are split across all license holders, which is why the APR drops as license numbers go up; HOWEVER, if we were to sell more licenses that would clearly have a BIG impact on SPS (and possibly Voucher) prices, so it's unlikely that would remain the same
  • Not all licenses are active (the ones on Hive Engine don't receive rewards) so the APRs/rewards are actually a little bit higher than what's shown in the table

Prices at time of posting:

  • Node price used for APR: $622 on Hive Engine
  • Market price of SPS based on current price on PCS
  • Market price of Voucher based on current price on Hive Engine


A few conclusions:

  • At the current prices the APR is roughly 43%, and probably closer to 44-45% when you factor in the fact that not all nodes are receiving rewards (i.e. HE ones aren't)
  • If Vouchers were to go up to $0.1 (which is kind of their soft peg based on Energy refresh cost), that would make the license APR go up to ~55% (I didn't put this in the table)
  • Even if SPS and Voucher prices were to drop 30%, the APR would still be roughly 27%

Of course, current APRs don't reflect future APRs, and obviously many, many factors affect this analysis, but for the time being this is the picture. If you feel like buying a node, head over the Hive Engine. Once those run out, maybe it'll be time to start buying them straight from Splinterlands again!


Thanks - thats a decent return. Even better than what I am getting with my 2 land plots.

Interesting analysis. I have 2 nodes currently and I've been considering buying more nodes so that I can generate vouchers on my own to buy more energy. I've been buying vouchers with all my loose SPS from tournaments and staked rewards ahead of the ranked reward changes since two weeks ago. It is nice to see the voucher price up over 60% to 5 cents now. Even though I didn't do it for profit, I just wanted cheaper energy. I wonder how long it will take for vouchers to reach the soft peg of 10 cents.

Interesting analysis and nice to see that it's still worth holding these Node licences...

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