The PROOF is in the #STEEM pudding

in #steem5 years ago (edited)


Earlier today I briefly scrolled over a conversation between @justineh and @zanoni on the Steem Telegram chat group... now, the snippet of conversation that caught my attention and ultimately inspired this post - was actually only a fraction of it... but I read it, and it immediately sparked my attention because the reality of the matter is - it is 100% true! The statement made by @zanoni in the discussion was this:


As we all know, there is many a "thing" said about the validity of #steem and I think it is safe to say that trust is not something that comes easily to human kind in general. People want proof! People want something tangible before they invest further and rightly so in this day and age... SO - I thought, hey... this is easily remedied! I know there are PLENTY of Steemians out there who have withdrawn, converted and spent their blog/vlog earned cash... Whether it was to pay for food, get their car serviced, spoil their partner, pay for bills - whatever... there is NO shortage of these instances!

So let's SHARE those experiences with everyone!!! Share them in the comments of this post, share them in a post of your own - WHATEVER... but most importantly... start SHARING them! Let's SHOW people that we are LEGIT!

I am living testament to this because I closed my 11yr old business at the end of 2017 and Steem has been contributing towards my monthly expenses ever since. The rest I plough back into the platform.

My mom @lizziesworld, had a fridge which caved on her and she managed to buy herself a new fridge with her first (and only) withdrawal, which I wrote about here last year.

Last year, I got our PowerHouse Creatives Community to rally around one of our members @wales - a professional photographer and creative writer, so that he could get himself a camera as he was without one at the time - which you can read out here He made his withdrawal and those Steem funds contributed towards the camera that he now shares his talents with.

Our PowerHouse Creatives Community has also assisted MANY of our other members with crowdfunding. I cannot remember them all... but ALL of these people have been supported by the Steem community and have thus been able to convert these contributions and earnings into fiat to fund whatever it was that they were in need of. I know @iamjadeline will bare testament to this.

Without a SHADOW of a DOUBT there are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of HARD CASH Steem to fiat conversions which have made a difference to lives... so LET'S SHARE THEM!!!!!! Link the original posts, show us your pics - LET'S SHOW THE WORLD THAT #STEEM IS THE REAL DEAL!!!!

If your posts about such were done a long time ago - use google to find them if needs be - type in the title of the post, your handle and the word steemit - like this:





Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Power House Creatives _night mode.png

The Power House Creatives is a discord community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value across multiple platforms. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individual growth as well as offering support to those that are still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - To infinity and beyond...



As most of you already know our community is closed. This does not mean that we are trying to keep people out or that we ignore those who aren’t members – it simply means that we are focused on keeping our standards of content high and our member commitment higher. I think if nothing else, we have proven those two qualities to the Steemisphere over the last year and even more so in the last seven days.

I am not going to sugar-coat things for anybody, because it would not make any sense whatsoever, nor would it serve anybody fruitfully - long-term. Our community is incredibly proactive - and DRIVING the success and growth of the people within it is our FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSE, because this is how they are able to do the same in return for other individuals in communities beyond our own! Our reach extends WAY beyond our own walls and this is one of the primary reasons why it is important to ALL OF US that each of our members are able to hold our flag high wherever they may roam.

We work hard, we play hard - we support one another through thick and thin, we know whats going on in our "3D" lives and no matter what it is - we are there for each other! Yes, there are daily responsibilities and obligations. Yes, there are things that fly within our walls and things that definitely don’t. Yes, we require quite a bit from you as an individual but you get it tenfold in return and ANY ONE of our members will gladly testify to this. Absolutely EVERYTHING is catered for and considered… including those times when you will NOT be able to fulfill your obligations. It simply requires the following of our procedures, which once you have grasped – are not complicated at all - I promise.

Everybody in our community jokes about my “boot” because they know that there are certain things that never were and never will be tolerated within our walls… and when they surface, those people will very quickly meet my infamous “boot” sending them out the door – or at least showing them that it is open. A few such things would be the likes of: not doing what you promised to do when joining, not being a team player, plagiarism, spamming, causing trouble with other members etc. These are all no-brainers really, so should not be much of a shock or challenge to anyone who is actually on Steemit (or any other platform) to make it a better place for everyone!

We may be a relatively small collective, but we have approx. 118 members from over 30 countries and that continues to grow. Most of our members are also key players in some of Steemits other highly regarded and supportive discord communities and initiatives - and all of us at “home” know without question or doubt that every single one of our members will make us proud with whatever they do – wherever they go – and that is precisely how we intend to keep it. Simple as that! No, this kind of “ethos” does not work for everyone – and that is perfectly fine - Each to their own. The people who have done the “putting in” are the ones that understand what they “get out” of it all ;)

So, if I have not scared you away yet, or if the above info excites you (even better) and you would still like to put in an application to join our fantabulous and VERY crazy little family… then by all means – hop into our applications server and do the necessary.




@theluvbug regularly supports the Steemit community with upvotes and resteems of great content which is really adding value to this platform, but in order to grow and be able to offer MORE SUPPORT, @theluvbug needs your help - with upvotes and resteems of the latest curation announcements on that profile.


You're absoulutely right. This topic deserves a proper post. I can speak freely on behalf of Venezuelans on steemit. Some of us even made a living when the price was higher. It's suffice to say steemit is truly legit and is our job as users to provide new ones with proof that this is no joke. Regards darling!

Did you just tell me that my post is not a proper post? !!! GASP hahahaha :P ;)

Heyyyy by al means nooo. But yeah, you're right this is not a proper post, is THE PROPER POST! Cheers honey.

Posted using Partiko Android

I got many, many steem silver rounds out of my steem posting. That's something real. They're pretty, and have real value in the real world, too!


That's one pretty burnt wood pour.

It's a really pretty one! I love it, it is the jewel of my collection!

Burnt wood is so distinctive, and each one is different.
My personal favourite is this little guy.

Got him from @pit-bullion in a raffle a while ago.
He offered free postage from Vegas; pretty sure he didn't imagine he'd have to send it to South Australia :)

Woah! Nice and shiny!

Wow, didn't know that fridge story yet.

Here is a !BEER to add to your virtual fridge.

haha thanks @detlev ;) And yeah... probably one of the happiest days for my mom because she was surviving without one at the time... which is no fun! lol

Excellent idea, @jaynie!

And okay, I have to admit I was one of "those" people too, back when @pixelfan shouted out in September 2017 on Ello about Steemit, and @thekittygirl & I followed him over to see what the fuss was about...😂

I talked about it in my post last year called, Come to the Steemit Side...We Have Crypto, but the short version (well, my version of short...LOL!) is this -

In January 2018, after 5 months of being on the platform (and in the midst of that lovely bull run), I decided to see if this crypto stuff would actually turn into "real money." One YouTube tutorial video later, and I turned $10SBD into this deposit to my bank account...

First bank deposit, balance edited out.jpg
Click for full sized shot

Of course, recently I decided to reinvest almost three times that amount into the Steem Blockchain, and I might be in putting more "skin in the game" in the very near future! 😊

Awesome example of authenticity hon, thank you for sharing xxx

A clear resteem :-)

Great topic! I have never cashed out, of course I did not necessarily join to "get rich" Ha I think my account is worth $200.00 after almost two years. But that was not the point for me. I have learned so much about blogging and how social media works. for an old dog such as myself that has been a huge benefit.

No matter! and the fact that you can share that is of equal value - so thank you!!! :)

I remember that day so well and was so over joyed!! - and I still love my fridge! xxx

It certainly is a sexy fridge haha :)

Just made a post on this.
Steem is like 'Coffee money' for me. A place to express, explore, hangout and have some cash! :)

Fantastic @rem-steem :) I appreciate your support with this. Will go and check out the post in a minute!

I don't know if you follow @broncnutz, but around 6 months ago he posted a video of him changing Steem into a pastrami sandwich.
Great video and he showed exactly how he went about cashing in some steem, that was proof enough for me.
Here is the post.

On my way to check it out! Thanks for sharing xxx

Great initiative to encourage people. (Un)fortunately, I never had to cash out...

Thanks hon! I hope MANY jump onto it and SHARE their "proof" :) and yes the cash out / no cash out situation is a bit of a double edged sword hahaha...

nice to encourage people like that @jaynie, lets hope the price soars very soon so people can really be encouraged!

Thanks love :) Yes.... we need to do whatever we can to show the world that we are the real deal!

We need a post on how to create an account so we can do this @jaynie. I don't even know how to buy Steem or SBD's with fiat. Thank God I have a PayPal account and lots of friends here. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

thats a really good idea, thanks @wonderwop xxx

People are still dumb about Steem because they are probably less educated about it...

Posted using Partiko Android

Very true but with combined efforts, we can change that!

I joined Steemit for a contest run by @organduo. I got some STEEM for winning and I eventually cashed out some to check if it was ‘real’. It was. I ended up putting in back into the platform as I want to build up my SP.

Posted using Partiko iOS

and no doubt it was a great feeling to see it turn into something "real" in your life, but I commend you on putting it back into the platform x Thanks for sharing your experience.

I've never cashed out any of my STEEM, but I could do a post showing how much my account has increased and that I'm in profit status now even though I paid well over $3 apiece for my original STEEM purchase. I will definite share to TWITTER and retweet it as well.

That's a wonderful idea hon! Thanks for getting involved!

I'm going to try and work on that tomorrow, we've had the grandkids spending the weekend. I'll be taking them home in a couple of hours, but I'm going to have to just chill after that. Fun, but very tiring! ❤️

Hehe yeah well needed recovery time ;) enjoy it!!!!

I never cashed out but know of many who have..

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes there are MANY. Perhaps you could make mention of this to them in the hopes they will share their experiences @mariannewest :)

I did cash out a small amont for trading purpose and the convertion is fast and convenient.

It really is as easy as pie! Thanks for sharing your experience!

I want proof, I don't trust anybody... why would I...

yeah, trust is not something that comes easily to most which was the idea behind this post... so I hope that my examples of this as well as the comments that continue to come here will gain at least a little bit of yours.

I did cash out once .. in the first or second month
For this very reason
To see if it was a scam
I cashed out minimum for proof, got the cash banked into my account within minutes and then out for a nice meal with @vangie who helped :)

Awesome!!! Thank you so much for sharing this info @kaerpediem xxx We need to instill confidence in new users and others that are contemplating joining.

My pleasure <33

Hi @jaynie!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 5.626 which ranks you at #542 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 1 places in the last three days (old rank 543).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 172 contributions, your post is ranked at #30.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Good user engagement!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Oh so that's how Steem should work? I've only ever sunk in money from stuff I traded for or bought on Binance. In anycase, I don't recommend taking out much more than 25% of the Steem you make.

Not recommending people take out, but many people have made use of their steem funds to pay for certain things over the years and sharing this with newer sceptics is a good way to prove that steem is not a scam. At the end of the day, if the intention is never to make use of at least a portion of any investment towards your life then there is no point of the investment in the first place. But this post was aimed at putting noobs minds at ease.

That's an interesting way of putting it. I was involved with cryptocurrency before steem existed so it is interesting to think about things from the perspective of someone who is not so sure. I tend to think with the mentality that steem is still an investment. Having bought most of my steem I think of it in terms that my investment needs to wait until it goes up to my target level. I guess now that steemit is off beta mode it's nearly time to think of it as a way to make money. Perhaps selling some of the steem I have made blogging could do it. Im kind of waiting until there are more services that accept steem payments.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh what a wonderful world it would be if all our fundamentals could be paid for with steem... and its coming. Exciting times! What I find most exciting is the fact that because steem is powered mostly by the community it absolutely WILL eventually become a stable and consistent form of income unlike the somewhat unpredictable patterns of other cryptos.

I'm relatively new here and it was never worth it selling Steem but I did make the Experiment. Once. It cost 7 Steem for the minimum transferable amount of $2... A sacrifice in the name of science. It worked then.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for sharing!

@jaynie haha whatever I took out of Steem previously, which was a small sum (when Steem prices were higher), I put it back in. My goal is to use Steem to pay for my living expenses like you do but I'm not there yet.

Thanks for rallying us to inspire ourselves and others ❤️

My pleasure hon and thank you for your input on this xxx

To view or trade BEER go to

Hey @jaynie, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Thanks Cape Town I appreciate all you do for us at PHC. I have yet to withdraw, having been here for less than a year, and also the steem price is still way too undervalued so I will wait until the bull run takes the steem price up to its ATH before withdrawing. In a year or two. Unless I have an emergency before then, though the three month wait to power down makes emergency money a bit difficult to grab in the present moment.

I know I’ve withdrawn steem so many times that I lost count. I earned over 4K last year blogging on steemit and that payed for several of my bills. Basically, I’ve withdrawn steem and spent it on every example you gave in your post lol. I know how I felt once I made my first withdrawal. It was like a door opened up to a whole new world. It also helped that I cashed out a couple hundred on my first withdrawal. It’s been a while since I’ve cashed out because of the low steem prices. I’m waiting until it rises again before I start doing that. Any user can go to my very first posts and see that I didn’t earn much of anything my first few weeks here. Then, I started educating myself on things that helped gain me some exposure and before I knew it, I was earning a decent amount of money every month from here.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's a great idea @jaynie, and it might even be good to have a dedicated tag for this, so it's easy to find.

I did cash out once during the 1st month to check whether to feel how true it was although I already knew it was 100% true truest! So happy to got my first 'salary' via blogging.

And then the rally support from Steemians to help my son when he was ill at hospital, that was tremendously sweet candy crush! 😍 I neeed time to think whether did I make a post to thank everyone. Short term memory loss due to life. Lol...

This is a brilliant idea, hon. This post!!! xoxo

This is a small success story for myself, but I love what a community of like minded individuals can do to help others using the Steem platform.

When I saw your post I immidiately have been in. Havn't even read it, but wanted to make sure I voted as mutch as I can before the seven day timer is due.

I'm with steem quite a while without mutch posting. I've seen some extraordinary pairing when it comes to exchanges and STEEM is with those. So I don't had a shred of doubt that this is real.

Bought a great deal of cards lately at