SteemCamp UK 2

in #steem5 years ago

I arrived back from Leicester an hour ago and it’s been a long day. Five hours of driving (there and back) for one is deadly boring but the train would have taken longer.


As your probably aware, today was SteemCamp 2, and after surviving SteemCamp 1 more than a year ago I knew for certain I would not have half of my brain cells surgically removed and be a STEEM drone or something worse.


Yes, I was sold on STEEM long ago so was just expecting to meet some familiar faces and hopefully some new ones.


My expectations of attendance numbers were initially not met but after @shanibeer explained that 15% of the whole UK Steemians attended, well that made sense to me.

I will continue to leave the future ones to @shanibeer and @lloyddavis and thanks for arranging all this for us, as I concede to having zero chance of getting HALF of the UK Steemians to come.


In attendance were @teodora, @rod.crisafulli, @dronegraphica, @revisesociology, @shanibeer, @lloyddavis, @redrica, @ashtv, @gillianpearce, @starkerz, @slobberchops, @steevc, @goblinknackers and new person @knightswood.



The Phoenix hotel was an excellent choice and much easier to find than last years event though both places were somewhat reminiscent of gangland, albeit the graffiti was much more tasteful in Leicester.


@knightswood explained to me that the artwork is encouraged and that every bit of wall soon will have murals or graffiti markings on them. It is unique and different and I have to say I like it.

I’m guessing there will be many more SteemCamp 2 post shortly so apologies for the duplication but my excuse is I didn’t post one last year so am making up for it this time.


@dronegraphica entertained us with a drone close to the end of the session and we are going to see some aerial photography from him quite soon.


@starkerz was explaining how @oracle-d works and had me enthralled. We need to get more investment into STEEM from outside sources and particularly businesses and I do want to be a part of this.

Who would not want to help raise the price of the STEEM token? It is early days but his vision is outstanding and I would suggest everyone watch what @oracle-d is going to present in opportunities in the coming months.


My friend and co-worker @goblinknackers attended and I still need to call him for his view on the event.


He was digging in nicely from what I could see and engaging well with the rest of us. That is good too see.


After some final drinks at a nearby pub I said my goodbyes and wished everyone well. See you all at SteemFest 4.



Drooling Maniac.JPG

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@slobberchops! great to meet you! you have the best name on steem sir!! :) looking forwards to more collaborations with you!

Likewise, great to meet you. Let's see if we can raise the value of this token!

Not Steemfest 3? Are they skipping that one or just you? It looks like you guys had a great time. I have been really impressed with Oracle-D as well. That is why I have been devoting more and more time to them.

I talked to @starkerz about @oracle-d as I think I could do these kind of reviews. I do enough @tasteem ones now as it is.

The latest task has just expired though and it may have only been open to 'pro' writers. I'll never know now.

Although I don't welcome the competition :) I think if you can get one under your belt you will probably find yourself in the pro category in no time.

I don't know about any competition tbh, I'm just rooting for @starkerz' dreams of getting more fiat into STEEM, and if we can help then I would like too. We are all in the same boat.. I don't see it any other way.

They are doing a lot of great things with integrating other social media platforms and generating interest for various blockchain projects.

In the short time we had I learned a lot about the vision. This is what interests me most. It may help raise the price of the STEEM token.

Thanks for the report. I'm sad that I was unable to come to SteemCamp. I've still never (knowningly) met another Steemian face to face! Maybe next year.

If you can, do SteemFest. It's a much different experience.. albeit much more expensive too.

Didn't someone say it was going to be in Thailand next year? That would be a dream if I could afford it.

Good to meet you @slobberchops! Looking forward to chatting again at the next meetup. 15% is quite the number... I was surprised by that fact. Damn those two pints went down easy.

So, are you finally going to join Oracle-D then as a writer?
@bozz will not be pleased I tell you, I think he's afraid of getting beaten by you in the contests :') (j/k).

I talked to @starkerz about it, but other than joining the server (I found it) and the discord group (same) and giving them my witness vote (I had a spare one), I don't know whats next. There are no open tasks right now.. so its a matter of waiting?

Well yeah, now it's just a matter of waiting, though I actually think they should add you as a pro member immediately ;)

Dunno if they can actually do that or if you have to complete a few tasks first? Maybe @starkerz can comment on that.

In any case, I'll definitely notify you when there's another open task!

though I actually think they should add you as a pro member immediately ;)

He's been tagged a half-dozen times in the last 20 minutes so he may see these.., happy to wait.

Thanks for the recommendation, though I do the odd shit-post sometimes. :)

LOL, I don't think they take your own blog into account, so you're good there ;)

And anyone who looks at your longer articles knows that you'd be perfectly able to write an excellent article for Oracle-D. Heck, I'm sure that you'd have a great chance at winning Oracle-D contests whenever one comes up again. Feel free to ask me for some tips on how to get them 100% perfect ;-)

You know it! My hustle game is strong, but I don't think I can hang with Slobber.

The train is taking longer.

Good day though!

Posted using Partiko Android

Wish I could have stayed for some.. er, one beer.

A most excellent round up of the day. Excellent to meet you @slobberchops - glad you got home safe.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Likewise, hope to see you at Steemfest if it materialises.

15% doesn't sound that bad! Nice it wasn't a big crowd and you actually got a chance to meet up and learn more about the others. I liked the murals in your photos ;0)

There was a lot more of those murals. 'They have been drawn by professionals', the local councillor told me.

Lovely to see you again @slobberchops.

We've just got back to our hotel after a fun evening with drinks, curry and great company. 😁

I hope it's not too long until we meet again. 😍

Your in the hotel for 2 nights? That's great, wish I could have stayed longer, and yes.. see you soon at the next one :)

Yep. We stayed for 2 nights @slobberchops and I'm very we did. It was good to make more of a weekend of it.

Today we met some friends of ours at Stowe, who live in Milton Keynes and went for a nice long walk and coffee and cake.

The journey back wasn't too bad so all in all the weekend was a great success I would say. 😁

LOoks like a good meetup 15% is probably a very impressive number it seems to me

I felt 15% was good after it was pointed out to me.

I doubt many meetups or even big conventions have anywhere near that level of participation

Not exactly great ambiance either. 5 hours of driving for this?? (It looks like a day at the office, for crying out loud. Or a day of detention in school. Same damn difference.)

I'm shocked. (Shocked, I tell you.) Shocked so many showed up.

Hahaha.. that's just some of them, I think there were 15 and a local councillor who was interested too.

We all had jeans on, you cant do that at work!

The board was needed for @starkerz' explanation of the @oracle-d model. It wasn't as dreary as it looked :)

Looks like you had a good turnout. 15% is not too shabby at all.

When you consider the UK geography and transport system, it was pretty well attended.

I would have been there too except for a very important prior engagement and I know others had problems with the date change.

100 active UK steemians represents 2% of the total active steemians globally.

This thing that we are all involved in is still just a little baby in technological terms.


Posted from my alt account.


It can't walk yet and needs time to find it's feet and direction of travel.

In a few years time we will be in totally different territory and the current steem eco system will look very odd looking back.

It was a good day and the people were somewhat different from last years event. If this is your alt account then I'm struggling to figure out just who you are?

My main account is @molometer as it states on the mast head of the @steemimages landing page.

This account deals with my manual curation 100% of the time so I don't flood my feed on my main account.
I created this before we had the option to hide resteems and now it's become a bit of a habit for me.

I'm learning a lot about the steem curation process. Using it to curate things that I find interesting but may not be everyone's taste. Politics, economics and blockchain tech stuff as well as a few good writers. Yourself included.

Take a look at the stuff I curate on here and you will see.

the people were somewhat different from last years event

Intriguing observation. Different. How so?

I find myself having less time to comment these days and curate. This means votes without comments, which is better than nothing.

Intriguing observation. Different. How so?

Some had dropped off the radar who were enthusiastic last year. During the last SC, the price was $1.69, it makes a difference to some it seems.

During the last SC, the price was $1.69, it makes a difference to some it seems.

I guess some people look to the short term whereas steem is only just getting started. We literally just came out of beta! so this is really a brand new platform.

It's a bit like the dollar coke share. If you bought one coke share back at the start and reinvested the dividends you'd be sitting on millions today?

Some people will never see the long game as an option. In this world of instant gratification.

Ah well I am still jealous of you having a meet up!

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There were what? 14 people there?

Still one of the largest UK Steem meetups of they year. @pennsif was trying to compile a list of how many are active and it wasn't much more than a hundred in the country, so it's a good proportion of those. I know more wanted to come, but couldn't make it.

I know. I did the math on that. It was, shall we say ... sobering.

Well there is one more Steemian in the UK as of yesterday and I have created a few accounts for people near me. The issue is getting them all active.

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Great to see Steemians come together! It is a reason why I believe in this for the long term! Thanks for sharing!

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