Steemcampuk a magic gathering of lovely humans

in #steemcampuk5 years ago

Everything started with an empty room that we managed to fill with our lovely energy. It a was structurally unstructured meetup, unique in its kind.

We are looking like we are going to start on something and some of the people they have the fascinating look that I must admit I really like. Different people different backgrounds all of them sharing the same weird interest - blockchain and steem.

We did had a lunch break where we did continue with some of the topics or finding new ways of knowing each other better.

The dinner was in a vegetarian Indian restaurant with the most awesome design so far. I decided in a second that I would going to love the food and I did. easy me :)

One of the closing pictures was with this cute bug that reminded me that I might want to buy one in the near future.

All in one another awesome event with magic people from steem, below a thanks to them:

@ashtv, @dronegraphica, @gillianpearce, @goblinknackers, @knightswood, @lloyddavis, @redrica, @revisesociology, @rod.crisafulli, @shanibeer, @slobberchops, @starkerz, @steevc


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Always good to see you. Have fun in Leicester

Same here Steve see you next time

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Great to see you again today @teodora and to have some time to chat with you in the pub.

Looking forward to seeing you when you're next in Brighton! 😁

Might be sooner that you think, as next weekend looks like a sunny one :)

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Just so you know . . . Next Saturday we are going to a Family festival in the park and a friend's birthday party in the evening. You're very welcome to:

join us and stay over
not join us and stay over
join us and not stay over
come with us to one but not the other
or just meet up on Sunday 😂

Let me know me if any of those options suit you. 😍 . . . maybe on whatsapp?

:))) you do give a lot of options, I never stayed one night in Brighton so totally doable. I will take your number from Redrica

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you do give a lot of options

Ha, ha, ha. Yes. It was basically my way of saying "i'm sure we can work something out". 😍

That restaurant looks great! Shame I had to leave so early - only just about got the last train back!

Great day!

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Still we had really good time :)

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Oh my GOD that restaurant, it has a Royal Enfield hanging off the wall!! It was so good to meet you @teodora. The energy was indeed light and positive. Till next time!

I had no clue what was hanging as a brand but apparently you are impressed 😂 I think we did well so looking forward for the next one

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Gutted to miss the Indian restaurant!
But brilliant to meet you - what a most excellent day and thank you for your valuable input @teodora

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Well sometimes shorter experience are exactly what we need. The restaurant is a must try if you ever find yourself in the Leicester neighborhood. Really happy to meet you as well. Hugs

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Great meeting up! looking forward to working together more in the future!

Yeap, thank you for your kindness sir!

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Hi, @teodora!

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