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RE: STEEM has so much explosive potential (value-wise)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hello @coolisland thank you for informing everyone about EOS although most of the people that commented might have known about it already and has chosen not to say anything about it since my post is about STEEM not EOS. Yes there are issues here and there but it will be resolved and it will make the STEEM better.

Personally I also like EOS and ranks high in my list of cryptocurrencies. It should also be awesome as the chief architect of EOS also made most of the tech behind STEEM so it is right to assume that there should/will be improvements. Maybe when there is already a running application that is equivalent to Steem that people will actually use, you will see me there as well and build a community also why not? As of the moment I just buy EOS in the markets and just play with its price and speculate. I did try to make it run once but i found it hard to configure maybe I'd give it another try again when there is an application that ordinary users can use.

You might want to check Golos also it is a fork of STEEM and I believe is run differently and might have address already some issues that plague STEEM. I would assume that since it is a forked of STEEM there should be improvements also maybe when it gets more popular and addresses its issues I might try it also.

As a crypto-enthusiast and investor with all the issues that is plaguing STEEM I still believe that it is an awesome investment because I believe in it, I believe in the platform, I believe in its community and I believe that change will always be possible for good. That is why I am here.