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RE: New community goals rules and guidelines

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I noticed that, as from today (?), whenever I make a comment, I now have the choice of self-upvoting, but I had not realised such important changes had happened.

You want my honest opinion? When I saw your above new rules, I first asked myself whether I want to continue using Steem.

I make my posts and probably make between 5 to 10 or more comments each day. Each of my comments is a response to what the other posted, either encouraging them or trying to help them improve.

Now you are trying to make it that I must report (brag) about my trying to help others?

No way, Jose!

If you had said that those who recieve a good or helpful comment can encourage the commentator by send a link for someone to see and maybe choose them, I could live with that. But I am already running short of time because of trying to help others (even getting into a fight with the #1 witness because he attacked a small poster from Nigeria).

I do all this, despite my not earning anything more than cents per post, even though they take me a lot of time and effort (I write Fantasy stories mostly), because I am enjoying helping others - because I want to, anything other reasons means I do not enjoy it. As for you talking about community, sub-community and Channels, I have no idea what you are talking about.

I do not react well to being coerced into doing good, and this is what your idea sounds, I'll wait and see. If my not taking part affects me negatively, I'll just say goodbye to the friends I've made here and get on with my life - on my terms.

PS: If you want, you can go to my blog and check on my comments. You'll never see a 'scam' comment. Sometimes my comments are longer than many of my own posts, so I am not pretending I already help others. It also sounds to me like you are followig the rules of the snowflakes - we do it your way or we get out. I've noticed many support your idea, so maybe I better close up shop.