Tales and Legends from Lower Brittany: God's Will, Part 1.

in #story5 months ago (edited)


The traveling saints.

In the happy times when the greatest saints of paradise still enjoyed visiting Lower Brittany, Saint Thomas and Saint John were traveling one day near Botmeur. It was very hot, and the mountain, as you know, is not easy to climb under the sun.

"I am very tired, said Saint John, the younger of the two: I am thirsty and I see neither fountain nor farm on this side."

“Here is a house at the bend in the road,” replied Saint Thomas, "may Jesus have pity on these people, because I see above the door three apples stuck in a branch of holly: it is a chapel of the devil (cabaret); we cannot enter there."

“Yet I am very thirsty,” replied Saint John.

A little further on, they saw a poor hut a few steps from the road.

"Oh! The miserable dwelling", says Saint Thomas, "and when we think that men are attached to such mud, often to the point of preferring it to heaven!... There will undoubtedly be water for us in there... if God allows it.

And they entered the cabin.

"Hello to you, good woman, will you give us a glass of water to drink?"

"I no longer have fresh water, gentlemen. On his way back from the quarry, Lann will bring back a full jug, but here is a bit of piquette (sour wine) at the bottom of the jug."

The piquette.

"Give us that at least". And the two saints drank some piquette... It was so bad that Saint John (I hardly dare say that), Saint John made a grimace about it.

“Yes, she’s a little sour,” murmured the poor woman. "Ah! if it were only good cider!... But that is not possible. No, there will never be any cider or wine here."

You should add", said Saint Thomas, "without the will of God."

"Oh! Poverty is misery", replied the old woman, shaking her head, "and the piquette will always be the piquette."

"Please give me a little more in this glass..."

Thomas poured a few drops of liquid into the pitcher and into a bowl where there was cloudy water, and the two saints walked away.

"Blessing!" said the good woman, tasting: "It's wine, and a good one, that the pitcher and the large barrel are now full... If I poured what remained at the bottom of the glass into the barrel, we would we would have wine, I think, enough to keep us entertained for a long time."

And she did as she said. But it happened that the barrel only contained cloudy water instead of water, as did the jug and the pitcher.

The unfortunate woman was perhaps going to run after the travelers and implore their help, confessing what she had done when her husband returned; but they only knew how to quarrel instead of relying on the goodness of God, so that the dirty water remained in the barrel, like the trouble in the household.

Source: La Volonté de Dieu from the French book Contes et légendes de Basse-Bretagne published in 1891.

Part 2

Previous Tale: The Giant Hok-Bras

Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.



I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.


Here is another tale, with traveling saints as we have already seen in other tales.

It is interesting that it is Saint Thomas who insists that people should trust God's will, as he was the one doubting Jesus.


Yesterday, I received a new book that has just been published: Not the End of the World, by Hannah Ritchie.


Hannah Ritchie is a 30-year-old Scottish woman who is the Lead Researcher in the scientific online publication Our World in Data. I have been following her on X/Twitter for some time and this is how I learned about her book.

The subtitle of the book is: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet.

by "the first generation", she means her generation, that is people that will live until the end of the 21st century. I will long be dead then.

After having been very pessimistic about Planet Earth ten years ago, she is now realistically optimistic and she explains why in her book.

She is of course talking about Climate Change, but also about Air Pollution, Deforestation, Food Production and Distribution, Biodiversity Loss, Ocean Plastics, and Overgishing.

I started to read the book and so far I am enjoying it.

-- Vincent Celier


Thank you for sharing this story!
It is actually thrilling that St. Thomas, who doubted Jesus, now insists on trusting God's will.
It suggests how our doubts and questions can lead us to greater expertise and faith.
Sometimes even the maximum skeptical can revel in a profound spiritual transformation.
I am excited to learn more approximately this story and how it unfolds.

Looks like a very interesting book, I hope you enjoy the read.


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The previous story was also good we got to learn a lot from it and the new story has started so after reading the story I would like to say that it is a fact that the heat is very high and when people When one goes to such a mountainous side one feels very thirsty for water and now these two friends were traveling but they had not arranged for water and now one friend is thirsty and when in this way When there is intense thirst, a person is worried and he wants to get water immediately, and in this way they both started looking for water, but where they went to the house of a poor family, they found it. has given them wine instead of water, due to which the other human being has lost his senses and so he wants to be given this thing again and again, but drinking this thing in such large quantities is not good for our health. Not good at all.

The habit of reading books is very good, it increases a person's knowledge a lot.

I think the woman will feel the guilt of her wrong action for a time. It's also a, surprise hearing Saint Thomas the Doubter talk about submission to God's will. Anyway it will only be fair if the two saints give the poor woman the opportunity to remedy her senseless and godless mistake and maybe the family will be rewarded will barrels and barrels of fine wine by the two saints. Cheating always comes with a price.

Thanks for sharing.

The title of the book seems interesting and it looks like it has a great message on how to preserve the planet and make it exist longer. Where can I access it, either online or offline?

Goodbye and God bless @vcelier.

If you can order from Amazon in Nigeria, I believe you can order the book.

This just reminds me of one of those stories in the Holy Bible where Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana. Saint John and Saint Thomas actually performed the same feat in this story but when the woman drank the piquett turned sweet wine, she thought she could do what the Saints did.
Saint Thomas is actually a 'man of faith' now not a doubter.

The title got me thinking of what would become of this world if man did not put in enough effort to preserve it. A good read.

Saint Thomas and Saint John had so much faith that they were able to turn sour wine into sweet wine after being thirsty for a long time.
The woman was greedy, instead of being satisfied with the sweet wine in the pitcher and bowl transformed by the Saints, she thought she could change the muddy water in the barrel into sweet wine.

We should be equipped to preserve our World and I think that all we need to do that is in this book.

Saint Thomas the doubter now becomes the one talking about God's will, how interesting. He has probably seen unexplainable Wonders for him not to doubt Jesus nor God again. On the account of the woman, I don't know if should it was curiosity or greediness, but whichever one it might be, it could not allow her rest, that she thought she too could turn the muddy water in the barrel into sweet wine but then nothing happened. I am just eager to know the reaction of the two saints and of course, that if her husband.

The book sounds interesting, indeed, it is not the end of the world and we are looking for a better generation in a better world. It's a good thing you are enjoying the book already.

Wait is over and here again with the new interesting tale. On the start it's somehow hard to understand but I'm getting the points. People who insist others to do things as a good deeds but their own selves even can't know about that that's sound soo doubting. If we are saying others to trust god plans 1st we have to trust or make our life like that. Because people get inspiration from us when we say to do something soo if we are wrong than how we are right.

That's good you are reading new books enjoy it these all are the major problems our earth is facing soo we also have to know about that all . To understand that

Yes, I think this book will be interesting as it revolves around modern day life and its hardships we all are facing right now.
Pollution, poverty, deforestation, all are the greatest factors that causing destruction.
Humans are today very modern and acknowledged but all these things caused by them. He is the cause of all such happenings unfortunately.
This writer has done a great job no doubt. I hope so You will share your views about this book in one of your post after its completion.
If we talk about the story, as usual story revolves around two saints and if he is believing in God, he is right. We should.
All happenings depends upon our believes.
Waiting for the next.

Firstly, I won’t blame Saint Thomas and Saint John for being thirsty because only God knows where they must have been coming from that makes them thirsty like that but the world has changed and people are becoming extremely wicked.
It would have been a good thing if the woman has pure intentions for them but unfortunately, she does not. I just want to see what the Saints will do when she eventually tells them about the secret

Nice story!

The irony is revealed when the desire for water is satisfied with a bitter pickaxe, symbolizing the adversities of life. The woman, although well-intentioned, faces the reality of scarcity and resorts to stratagems. The story, interwoven with touches of humor, reflects on human nature and the unpredictability of divine providence, highlighting the persistence of difficulties in life, like cloudy water in a barrel intended to contain wine.

This is an interesting tale. We already have bible entries of what they did, so seeing these stories can give us a glimpse of how they viewed the saints during that time. Turning a liquid into wine is one of the many miracles of Jesus, so seeing it here is nice.

I get the saints had a lot of faith that they could transform the piquette into wine but then the dirty water represents the troubles at home? because after all if her husband comes back home and see wine instead of dirty water then he would suspect someone was home, not clear on the last part? 😅

Here comes another interesting tale
The doubting Thomas in that Bible is now a believer and preaches to people about the word of God.

The book that was written by Hannah Ritchie, seems to be very interesting. I hope to read it someday.

Saint Thomas and Saint John, explorers of the divine and critics of local drinks! Who would have thought that the problem was not the pitcher, but the pick more bitter than a parrot's gossip? The poor woman deserves a prize for trying, but it seems that even the sky prefers cloudy water to that heavenly potion. Cheers to spiritual adventure with a touch of bad wine! 🍷🙏

The subtitle of the book is: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet.

I think that it is almost impossible to predict the future of the largest states 70 years in advance.

Don't you get the feeling that the God people talk about is petty and spiteful?

Sometimes it feels like it, yes.

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Now I guess I am understanding the story much more. The mistake was I went to read the episode 2 before the episode 1 but I guess I now catch the perfect view of it thoroughly which is great to see also. Saint Thomas and Saint John must have really been going on an exclusive journey worth admiring because not everyone will have done it better actually also like before. Saint John been the younger must have been feeling the stress of the journey but he was lucky he has an elder brother that actually understand much more better how to care for his younger one. To me, I don't actually see anything wrong in that house planting apple outside the house because it can still actually be maintained. Truly the old woman was right to have said that Poverty is misery. Not everyone will have understood that phrase but that's golden true. Quite an interesting story and I can't wait to read the other preceding episodes

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