Tales and Legends from Lower Brittany: God's Will, Part 2.

in #story5 months ago (edited)


The traveling saints.

The two saints continued on their way. At the entrance to a village, they were moved by groans coming from a cottage. They went there immediately, thinking that there must be some pain to relieve. A woman in tears held a small, dying child on her knees. He was frighteningly pale, and moreover shady and despairingly counterfeit.

"What is the matter with your child?" said one of the travelers.

“He suffered cruelly,” she replied, “and he is going to die, the poor little one… Alas! nothing can save him."

“Nothing,” said Saint John, pointing to the sky, "You forget the will of God."

"Oh!" replied the mother, “It’s too late, it’s over."

"If your child came back to life, you would be happy, wouldn't you?... However, it seems to me that it is counterfeit."

"Ah! No matter, if he only lived, I would be happy."

"Well!" said Saint John, touching the child's head with the end of a lead cross which he detached from the wall, "God wants him to live... Farewell my brave woman, do not forget that everything is possible to Him who created you."

Then they left the house... What was this woman's delight when she saw her child's white lips become colorful! She was almost frightened when he slipped off her knees and started running straight into the room. Then she regretted more than ever to see that his eyes were still crooked.

"What a misfortune, she cried, that these good lords who healed the child and who pulled out his bump did not at the same time put his eyes back in place!... But by what means did they straighten? Ah! here is the lead cross... Well, I'm going to do like them, and maybe my son will then have beautiful eyes."

She touched the child's eyes with the cross. Misfortune! The child, having become blind, hit his head against the wall and fell as if dead on the square.

The mother, mad with grief, rushed to the side where the travelers had passed, and, throwing herself at their knees, she confessed to them her fault.

"Rise up", said the saints, "And know how to conform to the will of the Creator."

The poor woman immediately saw her dear child running to meet her. He was straight like you, but his eyes were always crooked, because God, who gives so many graces, wants us to at least know how to moderate our desires.

The Angelus was ringing at the moment in the neighboring village. Our travelers had made a long stopover since the morning. Passing through the hamlet, they saw a house of good appearance whose door was ajar. The excellent smell of oatmeal reminded them that they had not eaten dinner and whetted their appetite. A dozen people were gathered in the house about an engagement. The two saints entered wishing happiness and health to the good Christians who were to be there.

"Thank you", said the farmer... "Because as good Christians we all are and always will be."

If it pleases God,” murmured Saint Thomas.

"Oh! For that, there is no fear, said a young girl", laughing.

"Saint Peter denied Jesus three times", said the traveler with a sad air... "But that's not what it's about: will you serve us some porridge, if you make some?"

Source: La Volonté de Dieu from the French book Contes et légendes de Basse-Bretagne published in 1891.

Part 1

Part 3

Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.



I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.


Saint Thomas and Saint John continue to visit various people and help them from their misfortunes.

As the title of the tale implies, the goal is to persuade the listeners that they should always rely on the will of God.


Although we have lived together for fifteen years, Kati and I, we never got married officially.

Next May we will have a small proper wedding.

Yesterday, we went to a store in downtown Vancouver and bought two rings.


These rings are engraved by local First Nations artists.

The engraving on Kati's ring is a Raven, on mine it is a Bear. Those two animals are very important to the First Nations in British Columbia.

-- Vincent Celier


St. Thomas and St. John, with their kindness and wisdom, continue to travel throughout Lower Brittany to bring help to those who need it most. Throughout their visits, they inspire people to trust fully in God's will, reminding them that He always has a perfect plan for each of us. This story teaches us the importance of having faith and hope in the midst of adversity, knowing that God is always by our side.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. The rings are very meaningful, and it's great that you decided to get some engraved ones by local First Nations artists.
Enjoy your special day in May!


It's unfortunate that human desires are insatiable, we get what we are craving for, we crave for something else and on and on.
The lady whose son was dead was brought back by life but she didn't appreciate that and show gratitude, the next she did was to complain of the boy's eyes not being straight.
We can't have everything, some graces are given, some are denied but God knows why.
The good farmer boasted that he would always be a Christian but the two Saints reminded him of Peter who denied Jesus thrice.

Are you about to make your union official? I hope I am invited 😎

I am really liking this tale. The two saints are really performing wonders in God's name. In this part of the story, they resurrected a little child who was about to die. The boy's mother was not a believer and never believed that with God all things are possible.
Though the woman was a kind of greedy, she was not been contented with the fact that her son had been resurrected, instead, she was also complaining of his eyes. She never wanted to believe and wait for God's time.

Wow!!!, I really like the fact that you and your wife are now willing to get married officially, even though you both have lived together for so many years. I am glad to hear that. Congratulations in advance.

Most times we question God's will especially if it doesn't go with our desires or expectations and we might not know when we offend. The woman who lost her son is an example of an ungrateful person, and she would have lost her son completely if not that he asked the Saints for mecy.
It's like the farmer would deny Christ in times of trial in the future, from the sadness in the face of Saint Thomas...

That shows how compatible both of you are, I wish you luck as you make it official.

The two saints are actually doing a commendable thing going from home to home trying to make people conform to God's will. But I think they should be more lenient with the godless actions of some of the families they visit. Like the woman whose dead child was brought back to life. I am quite convinced that before the end of the missions of the two saints, they would have succeeded in turning many to the way of the Lord.

Thanks for sharing.

Well the wedding is only necessary to formalise the loving relationship that has existed for years between you too. I wish you great luck with it and pray it goes successfully. Goodbye and God bless, @vcelier.

Yeah the one who create us gave us 5 senses, wisdom, money and everything how he could harm us sometimes pain is written in our lives as a trails but we have to trust on our creator timing. There is nothing possible without his will. Pray and just believe that everything will be alright one day if it's not today because he is the creator and has power to do everything.
This tale is interesting I like it.

Ooh wow that's great news to hear hope you both have a wonderful memorable may. And full of happiness.

Congratulations to both of you 🎉🎊🎊. Your rings are showing great but I can't see these designs as the images are not zooming.
If we talk about the story, this story revolves around the two saints and our everyday lives.
It gives us lesson how we should limit our desires and believe in God.
Like the woman who is helping by saints and at first she wants that her child only survive so she will be happy but later on she extends her desire about his eyes.
But great misfortune occur and she learnt that how to limit our desires and have a trust in God.
Sometimes in our lives, we faced situation where we rely on little but when we granted, we increases our desires and wants to fulfill our all needs and desires.
Interesting story relate our believes and ideas.
Waiting for the next episode.

One thing I love about this tale is how it lay emphasis on God's will. And indeed God was really walking with the two Saint on their journey performing wonders through them. No wonder Saint Thomas the doubter never doubted God again. First it was the woman with sour wine, and now it is a woman whose son is about to die. God was still able to perform his wonders through the Saints on the child but still this woman's story is no difference as she too wanted to do exactly what they have done. This shows us that we should always be contented and of course wait for God's will.

Wow! Getting married in May? This is really good news. Congrats in addy. The rings are beautiful too.

This story illustrates the interaction of two saints with a desperate mother and her dying son. The story explores faith and divine intervention. The saints, guided by God's will, bring the child back to life using a lead cross. However, when the mother, driven by vanity, tries to imitate them, her son becomes blind. The moral highlights the importance of accepting divine will and moderating our desires. The story evolves with surprising twists, conveying a lesson about acceptance and prudence in the search for miracles.

Nice rings

Dear @vcelier, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @florakese.

Its never enough for us humans, now days I constantly fight myself back from wanting things I dont need and thanks everyday for having a roof, health and food something so simple many dont have, btw congrats on getting married, Im on a similar situation been 11 years with my wife but havent marry yet, we are happy though

I will say at that particular time, it seems the saint was send to the woman who has a dying son at her hands. I was just imagining the scenario and trying to imagine how the woman must have really been feeling at that particular time. No matter it was out of groan. Now imagine those two saint didn't passed at that particular time. Their visitation was actually divine and that is evident to see. Not only that, I learnt something valuable and that is the will of God. One thing we need to strive to know is the will of God. When we know the will of God, we will not panic over circumstances and situations like the woman did and I guess that is why the saint need to make the woman to remember about the will of God

One thing I noticed and can say about this story is that human wants are insatiable. As a mother who does not want to lose her child, I felt she should at least bd happy that he came back to life but immediately, she started putting her hands in his eyes and got him blind which was by mistake though

I’m glad that the two saints were able to solve that again but his eyes were still looking crooked. I guess that’s how the Lord wants him to look like so we all should never go against the will of the Lord

It is nice to see how the power of God is depicted as helping a lot of people in need. But it is interesting to see that the people, after receiving the miracle, are just slightly thankful, and want even more. Humans have a lot of things that they want fixed or changed. It is usually in our power to do so, and God has given us the grace to accomplish it.

The travellers coming around at that particular time was really divine so as to actually help the old woman child who is on the verge of dieing. Yes it happens that at times we are faced with hard times and we think of giving up or we don't remember God will upon our life but one of the lesson that this story point out to is the fact that it actually helps to sustain one trust in God and never to forget something called the God will upon our life. God will is much more than what we are facing right now and that is what we should always be sustained with. Just as the woman or the mother has taught that it is not possible for God will to be done, she was proven wrongly. It is never too late for God will to be achieved and manifested. We just need to continually believe in God every single time as it comes.

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God has chosen a pair of assholes to do his bidding. Probably a good choice, considering what he bids.