Tales and Legends from Lower Brittany: The Giant Goulaffre, Part 4.

in #story5 months ago (edited)


The Giant Goulaffre.

Allanic and Fistilou were very sad, looked at each other with big eyes, and did not eat.

"Well! So you little ones aren't eating?" the giant told them.

“We are not hungry, lord."

"It’s still very good though!"

And taking the two feet they had on their dishes, he swallowed them in one mouthful.

When the meal was finished:

"Now let's see your talents, my children, and try to entertain me a little."

And Allanic began to play his straw reed and Fistilou to dance, to frolic, and to throw his hat in the air, shouting: Yeh! yow! hoo! hoo! The giant laughed heartily and had a lot of fun, and so did his wife and two daughters.

“I am happy with you,” said Goulaffre to them, after an hour of this exercise, "Go to sleep now with my daughters and tomorrow I will see what I will do with you."

The giantess then led them to their room, gave red caps to Allanic and Fistilou, to put on their heads, and white caps to her daughters, and then she left.

It didn't take long for the two young giantesses to fall asleep and snore, making the stained glass windows of the room shake in their frames. But Allanic and Fistilou were not sleeping. They soon heard a noise in the apartment below them. It was the giant and his wife who were quarreling. Allanic jumped out of bed, pressed his ear to the floor, and this is what he heard:

"I tell you, woman, I want to eat them tomorrow morning for breakfast."

"At least wait a few more days; they will entertain you with their music and dance. And our daughters, these poor children who have no distractions, you saw how content and happy they were; spare them, for their sake."

"Needless to say, I have to eat them tomorrow morning. Where is my cutlass?"

And a moment later we heard the giant's footsteps on the steps of the staircase. Allanic then ran to his bed, exchanged his red cap for the white cap of the young giantess, who was still sleeping, and told Fistilou to do the same, then they turned their faces towards the wall and pretended to be sound asleep. Goulaffre immediately entered the room, holding a lantern in one hand and a large cutlass in the other. He approached the first bed, cut off with a single blow the head which wore the red cap, ran to the second bed, and did the same; then leaving the heads rolling on the floor, he went downstairs, carrying the bodies of his two daughters under his arm, and he threw them on the kitchen table, without examining them.

When he returned to his bedroom, he said to his wife:

"It's done! What a great breakfast I will get tomorrow morning!"

"As long as you weren't mistaken in your haste!" the giantess told him.

"How do you expect me to be wrong? I know how to distinguish a red cap from a white cap."

Then they fell asleep peacefully.

As for Allanic and Fistilou, as soon as the giant had left their room, they went down into the garden, using their bed sheets, and gave themselves some fresh air!

The next morning, Goulaffre made his wife get up early to prepare her lunch. But when she arrived in the kitchen and recognized her daughters, she began to scream so much that the castle shook. Goulaffre came running, hearing it and added his cries and bellows to those of his wife. He ran to his daughters' room, believing he would still find his two guests there. But he only found a paper on which it was written (Fistilou knew how to read and write a little): “Fistilou and his friend Allanic thank the giant Goulaffre for the hospitality he has granted them, and promise him to come back and see him."

Source: Le Géant Goulaffre from the French book Contes et légendes de Basse-Bretagne published in 1891.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Part 5

Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.



I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.


So, it turned out that this tale of the Giant Goulaffre is a variation of the tale "Le Petit Poucet" published by Charles Perrault in 1697, a tale now known in English as Hop-o'-My-Thumb.

Will Allanic and Fistilou see again the Giant Goulaffre as they said in the note they left?




As predicted by the weather report, more than 20 cm of snow has fallen during the night.


And it is still snowing.

Such a large amount of snow is very infrequent in this part of British Columbia. So, the municipalities are not equipped to remove the snow from all the streets. Schools are probably closed today, because of that.


As we don't need to go out, we will simply observe the outside world from our apartment.

-- Vincent Celier


Allanic and Fistilou will have the opportunity to meet again the Giant Goulaffre as promised in their note. After leaving her, they will continue their journey through Lower Brittany, exploring different magical and mysterious places. Eventually, the time will come when the Goulaffre will cross their path again, bringing them an even more exciting and fascinating experience. These brave adventurers are destined to live new and wonderful adventures together.
I hope they will.

Actually, the photo you posted shows quite a lot of snow.


After reading today's story, I would like to say that the way this poor mother and son were, they were also very wise and intelligent. is that he can become famous in the world and now the way we see that these two are working very hard to show people magic in the same way, making the white hat black and things like that. It is very happy to see it happening, whether it is old people or young people, all people are very happy to see such magic and the sound they feel after staying here this night is this. try to figure it out and then wake up in the morning and go on an adventure after breakfast promising that we will meet again. This family is very nice and very supportive.

The weather is cold everywhere today, but it doesn't snow where we live. During the snowy season, going out and seeing the snow is a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed this part of the story. Allanic was so sharp to have come up with such a wonderful idea which saved them from losing their dear lives.
Goulaffre wickedness did not allow him to listen to his wife and that is why he ended up killing his two daughters. He should enjoy his two daughters' meat.

Wow!!!, the snow is actually plenty, which means it's going to be very cold out there.

I am truly happy for Allanic and Fistilou 🕺, but I fill so sorry 😞 for Goulaffre poor daughters whose lives were cut short by their own greedy father. He will wish he had listened to his wife, thank God Allanic payed attention to their argument and his quick decision of exchanging their cap with the daughter was a good one, a life saving decision indeed. I am happy they found their way out, what an adventure.

Wooo😯 with this level of snow you need your heaters to be up and running. Most times I wish I could stand in the snow and see how it feels, maybe when I have an opportunity to travel to Europe by winter.

The events of Allanic and Fistilou in the castle of the giant Goulaffre take an unexpected and comic turn. Like Allanic playing his straw reed and Fistilou dancing, they create fun images. The giant is a comical character as he enjoys the skills of the little ones. Allanic and Fistilou's cunning in deceiving the giant and his wife adds a clever touch. The combination of fantastic elements and humor has kept me intrigued until the end.

A nice snowfall as long as it can be seen from the warmth of home.

I love this part so much because this is a case of justice served, what Goulaffre wished his two guests was for them to be killed for his food but his children were killed instead, and by his own hands.
I also loved the wisdom of Allanic and Fistilou in exchanging their red caps for the white caps of the two giantesses.
Snow is always a beautiful thing to behold.

Goulaffre paid the ultimate price for his wickedness, he killed his own children in an attempt to kill Allanic and Fistilou, against his wife's wishes. He should have listened to his wife.
Well it's a good thing the two friends were able to escape but would they meet with the giant again?
It must be extremely cold with this level of snowing but of course you must have heaters to keep you warm in Winter.

The snow is looking very beautiful and winters are enjoyable only in snow. In our country, in some parts we see snowfall and peoples who lived in dry and hot climatic region, also moves towards such places which having snowfall.
Northern areas of my country famous for cold winds and snow.
Winters are very severe there.
If we talk about the story, it found a dramatic scene that they both became aware of his ideas and save their lives.
How sharply they changed caps and how silly the gaint was who doesn't care to confirm both of them and quickly cut the heads.
Very sad for his wife who screams alot and how sharp they were as they are paying thanks to giant.
Is the story will continued?

Oh wow, that was wild. I felt a bit bad for the two daughters, but Goulaffre deserved it. I initially thought that the giants were so much taller, but the photo showed they were about just double a normal man's height. That was very good thinking from Allanic, which saved their life, and I'm curious how the story will progress from here.

Allanic and Fistilou must have really been facing difficult time that they might not have been able to handle it any longer that they just need to use it to convert back to sadness. Well even if I am in their shoe also, I will also be sad. I felt strongly that the giant is filled with himself to have been calling them young ones and this is not supposed to be so. They must have really go extra length to make the giant laughed heartily and had a lot of fun, and so did his wife and two daughters. Well since it is what the giant and his family want, it must have really been a great time for them. "The giantess then led them to their room, gave red caps to Allanic and Fistilou, to put on their heads, and white caps to her daughters, and then she left." I am so shocked and I am actually imagining how will the house of those giant and giantess will be. It must have really been so much big.

In a clever twist of fate, Allanic and Fistilou managed to outsmart the giant Goulaffre, escaping his deadly intentions and leaving behind a note expressing gratitude for their brief stay. Sometimes irony is a sign of smartness and good humor.

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As we don't need to go out, we will simply observe the outside world from our apartment.

It's nice to look at this snow from the window. But walking in the fresh air is also good for your health.

Since when the got to the giant’s house and they have been served the leg of a human, that was when I knew something was wrong somewhere. That’s why it is sometimes not good to go into a deep sleep in a stranger’s house because we never can tell what plans they have for us.

At the same time, it is good to be calm. The giant was in a haste that he could not even verify it the ones with the red caps were his daughters or not but I’m glad that nothing happen to Allanic and Fistilou and I even love the way the dropped that letter, lol. That’s smartness!

It was the ingenuity of Allanic that helped the two friends escape being eaten by the giant, by exchanging their caps for those of the two daughters of the giant. The giant was repaid his wickedness when he accidentally slaughtered his two daughters for supper. I guess he reaped his acts of wickedness when he ate other people's children.

Thanks for sharing.

I hope the snow clears soon and you are able to go out and be meaningfully engaged. I also hope the winter won't be longer than necessary so that summer can come and you live your lives more freely. God bless @vcelier.

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I guess they might actually be hungry but Afraid to eat at the front of the giant been afraid of the way it is looking and how it is going to turn out in his perspective. If I am in the shoe of Fistilou and Allanic, I will have say I will be afraid at the first instances seeing how things is working and playing it out. They must be nervous to be wondering how will they display their talent in the front of the giant because at all cost, they must satisfy him if not that is another issue on its own again. That is not supposed to be. Glad at the end of the day though, both the giant and his family which include his wife and daughter had fun. That particular statement of "Go to sleep now with my daughters and tomorrow I will see what I will do with you." Must have actually been said from the heart of love and the fact that they eventually had fun at the end of the day which is interesting to see.

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