Mercury direct in the last degrees of Aries and the conjunction of Sun and Uranus gives us visibility in the changes and transformations of recent months. The 9 of Pentacles - 14/05/24

in #tarotlast month


Today, Mercury leaves the post-retrogradation shadow and goes direct in new degrees of Aries. This will give the green light for beginnings in the area of your birth chart where you have Aries. It accompanies greater clarity in communications and mental clarity. After the Sun Uranus conjunction yesterday, we are heading to the sextile of Venus with Saturn and the conjunction that the Sun will make with Jupiter in Taurus is also beginning to be felt. These are days of awareness in reference to the transformation movements that we have experienced in the last two months. Beginnings of new relationships, new phases in your relationships or ending of them. Time of bonding changes towards taking liberties and collaborative work towards greater spiritual plenitude. Today's card tells us about achieving changes at a personal and relational level. That visibility that we are having of the new paths that are opening up before us. Of these new ways of coexisting in communion with our close personal environment. Feminine energies with high vibrations that fill us with calm and give us the feeling of doing things well. Enjoy the work done knowing that you are in the right place at the right time.

The 9 of Pentacles means that you are on the right path to success and that you will be rewarded in the right measure for the effort you have invested. If you have worked hard until now, with dedication and concentration, you will undoubtedly reap good results. Pentacles, a symbol of the earth element, represents wealth and abundance, but it does not refer only to the material side. It can be inner wealth or even harmony in your relationship. Thus, in a more complete reading, the card can indicate achievements in the situation or in various fields of your life or victory in relation to the current situation.

The 9 of Pentacles symbolizes the end of a cycle. It suggests that you may have worked hard towards your goals and now it is time for the cycle to end, indicating success and obtaining rewards.

In the card, we see a beautiful woman enjoying her conquests, walking through a vineyard surrounded by coins.

With his other hand he touches a pentagram, a symbol of achievement. And he seems to be doing very well, since he has finally achieved his goals and now all he has to do is enjoy everything he has harvested. The card indicates achievements that are not ephemeral, but solid and likely to last.


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