The backdrop has risen and the Full Moon in Scorpio has illuminated the way for us. Emotional exhaustion is present but you are the future. The 4 of Pentacles - 24/04/24

in #tarotlast month


After this wonderful Full Moon in Scorpio last night, you will most likely feel hungover. Tired physically and especially emotionally. Do not worry, everything is good. Jupiter, in turn, still in conjunction with Uranus, is traveling through the last degrees of Taurus, from which it will leave in a few days and will not return for 14 years. This continues to affect us in a powerful way, although after so much storm surge we are almost used to it. With this post-lunation hangover we get this letter that invites us to let go of our fears. To let ourselves be guided by the pleasure of being and being. It pushes us to trust and receive the beauty that life brings you every day. As always, but even more so today, let yourself feel, give yourself space for self-observation without judgment and let go of your fears, everything will be fine. In the next few days the waters will calm down a little and will allow us to breathe after these last few weeks of frenzy. Taurus calls us to the pleasure of being and to feel our bodies in connection with the sole purpose of growing calmly and shining. Today is a great day to receive all that was hidden behind multicolored veils and that Scorpio in its lunar fullness illuminates us to clarify and give meaningful direction. Enjoy this hangover that clearly benefits us in our transformation. Health!!

The 4 of Pentacles basically means that, at this moment, there may be a fear or suspicion that does not allow you to leave something or make an assertive decision. When this card appears in a query, you may be becoming too attached to security. And this isn't necessarily a bad thing, because sometimes we actually need to keep things close to our chest for safety reasons. The problem is that we cannot stop living, acting and paying attention to the people or things around us.

At some point, we all get stuck on something for fear of losing or changing our routine. This card does not suggest cutting ties, it just shows that you are making even more of an effort to bring something closer, whatever it is, in order to maintain control and stability.

However, the 4 of Pentacles invites you to think more deeply about what moves you to act this way. It may not be a bad idea to relax and give up what is holding you back, because the message the letter brings is that you have nothing to worry about right now. You just need more willpower and discipline.

The 4 of Pentacles symbolizes the fear of loss. In the letter, we see a man sitting far from his house and holding 4 pentagrams as if they were his most prized possessions. This is a man who is afraid of loss and therefore the 4 of Pentacles can suggest the fear of ending a relationship, of losing status, job, money or control of the current situation.

The letter shows the man holding his coins tightly, afraid that someone will take them from him. The problem is that you are trapped in the moment for fear or fear of losing your assets, in this way, you are stuck, you do nothing else in your life or you do not take an attitude.


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