The Moon transiting Gemini brings us fluid communication and mental activity. Clarity and understanding. Let yourself be taken care of by the femininity that assists you. The Queen of Cups - 09/05/24

in #tarotlast month

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Today, Jupiter Day, we find Algol. Binary star (tertiary actually) that can represent a passion capable of consuming you through anger or fury. Jupiter and Algol align in Taurus, Jupiter eclipsing the energies projected by the stellar triplet. At the same time, Venus, Uranus and the Sun remain very close together in the last degrees of Taurus. All of this transmits us a climate of tranquility, love and compassion that promotes good relationships in our environment. Moon, for its part, has entered Gemini, giving rise to good communications and mental clarity but also, in turn, to dispersion. We are going to be pushed to carry several things at once, to keep our minds active. The card that appears to us today, the Queen of Cups, brings us that feminine energy of protection and understanding. It aligns us directly with the energies of Jupiter eclipsing Algol and embraces us in a climate of conversation and resolution. Let that person or feminine impulse do what you will feel during the day in order to flow with the climate that the universe proposes to us today. Dance with the choreography planned to receive all the Jupiterian energy in your day. Enjoy!!


The Queen of Cups means a moment of tranquility and understanding. The card may suggest a prominent woman in your life, who inspires affection, attention and help when you need it, such as a friend, boss or wife/partner. Or it can represent yourself, the compassion, love and protection you dedicate to other people. If the consultation is about a specific situation, it suggests truths, consolidated projects and problem resolution.

The Queen of Cups basically symbolizes compassion and true intentions. In the letter, we see a pretty, introspective older woman sitting on a throne by the sea with a beautiful cup in her hands. The glass is closed and the marine elements of the card symbolize the unconscious and emotions. He seems to be at peace, like the placid waters at his feet.

Suggests a special person or situation that arises or interacts with the current moment or mentalized situation.


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