Two powerful stelliums in the sky. Two cards that guide us. Navigate the energies towards greatness and grow.The Pope and The 7 of Swords - 08/05/24

in #tarot24 days ago


Happy New Moon in Taurus everyone. Today of intensity and power. We have two Estelium in the sky in Aries and Taurus. We have two letters for today, as it could not be less. We have complementary and opposite energies at the same time. Beauty marking our lives. Mercury and Mars with North Node in Aries continue to bring us that desire to do, to start, to carry out our plans. On the other hand, In Taurus, after the New Moon alignment, we also have Uranus, Jupiter and Venus. It brings us the pause, the processes, the materialization of our lives. Both energies collide and can cause us some anxiety. Uranus, the agitator, challenges us by questioning our established structures and calling for radical change. Jupiter the benefactor extends his arms promising abundance and expansion. And Venus embraces us with her love and personal support. This panorama peppered by the New Moon leads us to sow seeds that will give us the opportunity to connect with our interior, reinforce our value and establish the foundations for a future of both personal and material growth. It's time to be. It is the time for everything we knew but did not let be. It is time to begin growth towards a reality of deep, firm and creative relationships that expand our soul. Our letters today... The Pope brings us guidance, strength and courage. We must allow ourselves to be advised by the wisdom of some links. Trusting the path they show us to reach our destinations is essential and you will see that the knowledge they give you will take you hand in hand to achieve your plans. On the other hand, noa appears the 7 of Swords, which like the energies in heaven, is contrasted with The Pope. It warns us of the possibility of some deception, some situation to be resolved, some obstacle along the way but that will be resolved satisfactorily for you. Try to put aside the reactivity of Mars and the 7 of Swords and flow with the help of the vast knowledge and energies that we have in Taurus to allow the germination of your Being. Broaden your vision and focus on your goal. Have a great Wednesday!!

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When the Pope appears in a consultation, the answers allude to the search for wise advice. This card can also represent a person from the sign of Taurus related to the issue, in your life or who is about to appear to interact.

Taurus is a fixed sign very familiar with a fixed and structured routine, things that bring security, a primordial feeling to the sign. The Pope embodies all of this and invites us to return to our roots and traditions. Suggest that you seek knowledge or advice about the situation at hand (an expert, professional, or wise friend, for example).

The letter indicates that you should not make important decisions on your own. Research, study and advice, in addition to being ways of doing things in a more traditional way, can be the way to follow to resolve the current situation. The letter also represents an improvement in status, but advice and assistance from structured people or institutions are important for this to happen.

Finally, it can also mean the search for a higher power, a greater force that comes within you and that ultimately favors a new opportunity for spiritual elevation.

The Pope is Tarot card number 5, also known as The Hierophant and can be considered a counterpart to the Priestess. This Major Arcana indicates the importance of study and knowledge in relation to any issue. In the order of the archetypes, while the Magician only points out the path to follow, the Pope is our guide, the one who takes us by the hand and leads us to our spiritual goal. It represents a path to higher consciousness.

In the letter, we see a man wearing religious costumes in an environment that alludes to a church. Their costumes represent the triune principle or the three kingdoms: material, spiritual and mental. In his left hand he holds a three-lined scepter, another symbol of his dominion over the three kingdoms. Below it, the crossed keys represent the balance between the conscious and the unconscious, unlocking secrets and mysteries.

Two initiates kneel before him. The Pope's task is to bring them closer to his doctrine, to teach them to channel their faith. He raises his right hand to give his blessing, the same hand that the Magician raises to perform his magic. However, while the Magician captures the energy of the Universe and channels it into the material plane, the Pope captures his power through the material world, from the faith generated by the people of the world.

It is one of the so-called pillar cards of the Tarot and when it appears in a consultation it usually reminds us that information and knowledge are the keys to the situation in question. In addition to the Pope, The Priestess and Justice are also pillar cards, both representing knowledge or information.

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The 7 of Swords indicates that lying is at play. Someone may be lying to you or trying to trick you. Or even, you may have created a web of lies as an excuse not to face reality or the situation in question. You must be honest with yourself right now and admit your feelings and desires. If the card refers to someone who wants to cheat on you (or is cheating on you), keep in mind that it won't last, as you will eventually find out. If you are trying to trick someone, keep in mind that you may also be about to be surprised.

The 7 of Swords somehow symbolizes lying and deception. In the letter, we see a man who appears to be fleeing a military camp with 5 swords. 2 swords were stuck in the ground. However, in the distance we can see a group of soldiers. One of them is brandishing his sword, meaning he seems to have discovered something.

The card may indicate lies and cheating, but they will not last long. You may be the author, or it may refer to someone who is part of your life or the situation consulted at this moment, suggesting lies, envy or deceivers.


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