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RE: Soon Away

in #thoughts2 years ago

I always schedule my posts a day in advance and it feels good to know I'm a day ahead so I have a sort of 48 hour buffer. I do fly alot on business and then most of the time we end up at some bar so this is how I get around it anyway. Best of luck in Norway. I hear it's expensive but hopefully you will have the company card. 😀


I wish I could schedule like that! I write and post on the fly - my brain doesn't plan well for the future!

I do fly alot on business and then most of the time we end up at some bar so this is how I get around it anyway.

Never drink and blockchain... unless a professional at both ;D

Best of luck in Norway. I hear it's expensive but hopefully you will have the company card.

It is a sales meeting, and while I am not a salesperson, they tend to buy drinks ;)