Writing for me

in #thoughts9 months ago

Although not everyone is called to develop writing skills because they possess other gifts that are admirable, such is the case in social skills such as oral expression, conflict resolution, active listening, assertive communication. Writing is undervalued because those who do it do it not with the purpose of impressing others but for themselves.

Those who write do it from the bottom of their soul and leave a small part of it in the different letters when they open up, delivering passion.
Who writes also has the full joy of unburdening all his sorrows, his ills and everything that afflicts him, freeing his thoughts from those that are not useful to him. But also leaving uncovered little secrets expressed between the lines that can only be deciphered by those readers who identify with the writer at that moment.

Or maybe the writer is going through a whirlwind of feelings and the result or his creation is a Russian roulette of what he feels or what he is going through in his own life.

So, what chance is there that you who read me will identify with me; if by the time you read me you do not share my feelings.

There are wonderful people who make us dream through their writing, others who make us doubt or better yet, see the world in a different way through their words. But all those who generate an emotion or a feeling in us, it is important to never let them pass without at least a comment.


It is a real pleasure for me to write from the deepest part of my being and to agree with you in what for you, is an ephemeral moment.

The image belongs to me.

Translated from Spanish to English by DeppL (free version)


Qué hermoso texto que dice mucha verdad.

Thank you very much @germanandradeg
I'm very glad you like it because you are a great writer, your texts always have a special grace. You can't let it slip away either

Gracias por ser tan amable con tus palabras; solo soy un aprendiz.
Bendiciones a la familia.