3Speak Major Announcement | Refactor | 3Speak v2.0

in #threespeaklast year
Authored by @vaultec

Mesa de trabajo 63speak_COVER.png

3Speak Major Announcement | Refactor | v2.0

Hello, Hivers!

The current implementation of the site was built using a now legacy UI framework. This has constrained us on many aspects from performance, UI design, development time, and more nitty gritty details. An eventual refactor was inevitable. With an expanded dev team we are capable of tackling this major milestone in 3Speak development going forward.

The important bits:

  • Modern UI framework
  • Complete redesign of numerous pages on the 3Speak site
  • Improved login experience
  • Setting the stage for many new features
  • Improved backend reliability & versatility.
  • Improved support for 3rd party DApps

A New Backend

Previously, we used a centralized database to store post metadata with minimal active interaction with the blockchain. This gives us fast performance and advanced features like video recommendations, but with the downside of being centralized and a single point of failure. While the metadata is posted to chain, it's not easy for anyone to just spin up their own 3Speak indexer.

We are flipping this model upside down and building a dedicated indexer on top of HIVE to suit our needs and allow anyone to run a copy of the 3Speak backend. Initially, the indexer will only target support for 3Speak and @Dbuzz, but it can be extended to support other DApps. Additionally, this indexer will allow us to add support for offchain lite accounts using metamask, and eventually HIVE proxy accounts.

With growing needs from the mobile app, breakaway communities, and desktop app, this step will be an essential step towards long term growth. We are introducing a split architecture where the majority of reads/writes happen ontop of HIVE, while we maintain a separate system to provide the icing on the cake like scheduled posts, encoding, etc.

The indexer has already achieved incredible performance benchmarks. It's able to stream and process around 200 blocks per second from the HIVE chain using a combination of multi threaded streaming and bulk database operations. Meaning that frontends can finish indexing the HIVE chain in days instead of weeks (standard streaming with DHive)

We are also rebuilding the login flow:

  • With support for Email/password HIVE keychain, HAS, and metamask.
  • Starting with backend, we will create a new improved UI for login.

A small breakdown of the tech involved:

Off chain indexerThis has been a long standing project to index offchain content without the need of a HIVE account. It has been utilized on DBuzz's beta project and a beta test site of our own
Union IndexerHandles indexing of on chain and off chain content, merging them into one unified interface
Acela CoreHandles authentication, scheduled posts, encoding, storage layer, curation and more. This is the icing on the cake mentioned above

Finally, we will be doing a phased rollout beta period. After testing we will rollout the updates to all users.

Increased communication

We will start doing more blog posts to keep the community informed on upcoming releases and events. Stay tuned!

Thank you all for the support. It has been an exciting journey, and we are determined to keep building to help the development of Hive, web3, and censorship resistance.


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Sounds awesome! Hit me up for Testing ;) Happy to Help!

This development roadmap is awesome. I'm really excited for the future of 3Speak.

We all saw it coming.. 3speak has so much room for a ground breaking development, leading the way for web3 video platform..
Well done to the team.

Really excited for all the news and updates. I'm sure this will improve everyone's experience and even encourage other users to start uploading videos on 3Speak! Thank you!

BOOM, great update and kicking youtube butt too, LUVIN IT!! 💪🤠

Sounds like some pretty huge changes (for the better). Can't wait to see some of this stuff implemented.

Great updates and it was time to bring 3Speak into the present and even push it into the future technically speaking. At the same time, I am glad to hear that the transparency will increase through more updates (one thing I feel is missing for most major projects on Hive where I wonder if something is being developed in reality...).

Glad you are expanding the dev team. I’ve always felt like 3speak was massive project that needed a bigger team than most other hive projects. I love having a 3speak app to use and I can’t wait to see it come out of beta. I am a 3speaker as much as I am a hivester

Nice nice nice, and for once rewards are accepted on one of your posts. Let's drop some juicy votes for @vaultec here.


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I can't wait to see all the amazing stuff 3speaks have for Hivians and for the world. 👏

3Speak is gonna be the new wave!

Great news - Login definitely needs improvement - Happy new year :)

Thanks for the work you do

great updates!

I can't just log into the site with keychain?

You can login with keychain now, but it's not really a stand alone feature. You still need to use the standard email/password login with it. So longer term we'd allow users to login via keychain directly without needing to create an account first.

Improved login experience

With support for Email/password HIVE keychain, HAS, and metamask.

For when Hivesigner besides HIVE keychain?

Hivesigner will likely be there as well

Yeah, probably! But when?

Around ~1 month from now initial release

Since I’m new here I’m still trying to explore all aspect of Hive and I think it’s time I check out 3Speak.

From your post it appears you guys are killing it

All the best @threespeak

These are nice development on the 3speak project.

These changes and upgrades would be great for bloggers on hive.