Three Tune Tuesday with Ashlee!!! 4-9-24

in #threetunetuesday2 months ago (edited)

Hey! Happy Three Tune Tuesday! Today I’m choosing songs by one of my favorite bands of all time, Rilo Kiley. I started listening to them in the early 2000s and have been into them since then. If you haven’t heard of them, check out these songs.

Rilo Kiley- Glendora

This song is an upbeat take on heartbreak. It’s fun and pop-y with increasingly sad lyrics.

Rilo Kiley - Papillon

I love how Jenny and Blake’s voices harmonize in this song.

Rilo Kiley - Jenny, You’re Barely Alive

Beautiful song about depression and living through sadness.

Bonus Jam

Rilo Kiley - Breaking Up

And sad song disguised as a bop. It’s dance-y and upbeat and so fun to sing along to.