in #vanlife10 months ago

Its Friday once again and i am sitting here streaming shows from youtube today. Just took the girls for their afternoon walk and treat run.

And now they are chillin and relaxed as you can see. And me im just enjoying the day with them and planning my week ahead.
Not sure whats in store for the weekend yet, but im sure it will be same as it is every weekend (boring).
I just wish i had a computer so that i actually had someway to make money. Yeah i onow people say i can make it hear, but then if i had a computer i could do more to make money to do all the repairs i need so that i could get back to my travels.
As i have now been stuck here in Florida now for two years and that was NOT my intention.



It brings me no joy to see you having to deal with this. My better half and I, are dealing with issues in life as well. Not the same situation... but still an everyday battle. All I can do is send you lots of positive energy, and good thoughts. I hope you can have a good weekend.


All my thanks for all you have done to get the word out. And thanks for the words of encouragement.