Review: Bug Out Bag, Singer 01511 Survival Sew Kit

in #waiviolast year

Bug Out Bag
Singer 01511 Survival Sew Kit

In this video, the speaker presents a 64-piece singer survival sew kit. The kit includes a variety of items that can be useful for repairing gear while out in the woods, such as scissors, a tape measure, thread, needles, a needle threader, fabric marking pencils, straight pins, safety pins, buttons, fabric glue, and peel and stick tape strips.

The speaker demonstrates the contents of the kit and offers their opinion on its usefulness. They mention that the kit could be improved by adding more items and getting rid of the thimble, which they don't find useful. They also suggest that learning basic sewing skills can be very helpful for repairing gear while out in the woods.

Overall, the singer survival sew kit seems like a useful addition to a survival kit, as it provides a variety of items that can be used for repairing gear. However, the speaker suggests that the kit could be improved by adding more items and removing the thimble. Learning basic sewing skills is also recommended for being able to make use of the kit in a survival situation.

#singer #sewing-kit #survival #bugoutbag