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RE: London for Stuckism

in #waivio2 months ago

The UK isn’t pretending to be woke like we are in the States.

It absolutely is. It's another level of insanity. But I think it depends on which area you're in. Also the time of year. I remember in during the pandemic when the city was going crazy with the mask stuff, even with the 'social distancing', there were men almost naked in leather just grinding on people in the street. All while the government enforced the whole idea of outdoor cafe seating to reduce the spread of covid. In reality that just meant more packed streets as the pathways were reduced and you had to walk by everyone sitting in the road.


Reactions to the pandemic are on a whole other level, I get it. I generalized using the company I was with to represent a nation. Bad form! :)
In my town the political correct police would shun me for saying “legless” when describing a legless person.
Thank you for reading and the anecdote!