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RE: London for Stuckism

in #waivio2 months ago

Thanks. I'd love to come. I go to Auburn regularly, less than an hour's drive away.

I live in a town like yours, but much smaller. I imagine that you love summer in Oswego, without the students. The college here is a vocational outpost of a SUNY college 15 miles away in Alfred. Lots of artists here, too, the hills are teeming with them. No Stuckists that I know of, and the covid con wiped out any vibrancy the music scene once had. My life is much easier than my previous 40 or more years living near or in NYC. Maybe your kids will move back when they retire, as I did.

Affordable, beautiful scenery, intersting people, and deep winter to hide from all of it.

I love it here.


You’re in eccentric brilliant people capital of earth. I know the area a little bit. So far left that they’re right, and vice-versa. Apolitical because they’re above and below herd politics. Artists of life.
Yes. We live near the college. When the students leave, it’s ours. Shoreline and all!

You’re in eccentric brilliant people capital of earth.

Idk about that, but there sure are all types, working together, paying each other in hardcopy cash. We have enormous Amish and Mennonite communities here. They provide us with just about anything we really need, especially good work-working skills, and uncontaminated wood. They sure know how to make donuts.

Apolitical because they’re above and below herd politics.

The closer we get to Alfred U, the farther we go from apolitical. But here in my town of Wellsville, politics is hardly even a thing. Tai Chi is readily available all over the place. It's both very odd and very easy to live here. Alcohol is a bit too much the only thing to do, though. Hillbillies drink with college professors. A really nice brewery and arts center, our bits of downright erudite. Interesting.

You just described my town, minus the Amish, Mennonites, and good donuts.
“...both very odd and very easy to live here.” I’ll take that mantra with me on my day walks.