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RE: Hive API Node for under $750 - Hive can scale at very low cost.

in #witness3 years ago

I don't have figures on how much internet traffic an API node takes as it depends on how popular it is, but I know that @techcoderx is running one on a fairly basic internet connection.

I wouldn't think it would use that much bandwidth at all because it is all text.
Images are handled by separate image servers and video is completely separate.

API calls are very small and the returned data is generally pretty small too (except for full account history). Even then it is just text.


A witness node is around 250GB-300GB/month, an API node much more (can be in TB if it is popular). Many home Internet connections have data caps and companies like Comcast are enforcing them pretty hard.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for that useful data.

I had struggled to find it.

There is no capping on my fibre internet service and even monthly caps on 4G/5G mobile plans here are in the 250-500 GB range.

I'm a bit surprised how high you say the witness monthly bandwidth usage is.

I just checked both of my witnesses and one is averaging around 10% of "1 Mbps" (Windows) while the other is averaging around 40 "KiB/s" (Ubuntu).

Thus the Windows Witness is reporting 0.0125 Megabytes per second and the Ubuntu Witness is reporting 0.041 Megabytes per second.

Multiplying by 60 x 60 x 24 x 30 = 2,592,000 to get month usage this is 32,400 Megabytes per month for one and 106,272 Megabytes per month for the other.

I'm not sure why there is such a discrepancy but both measures are well below the 250Gb to 300Gb per month estimate you gave.

This is obviously excluding re-downloading the whole block_log which you should only have to do once.