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RE: Hive API Node for under $750 - Hive can scale at very low cost.

in #witness3 years ago

Troll Alert: Warning, the following is strictly trolling now:

Glad you agree on API nodes because that is actually what my post was about. :-)"

That's my bad, I know you run your witness on a workstation and assumed it was the same thing.

No! Your bad was your totally flippant and outright dismissing of the entire post!


Hardware isn’t as much of a concern as Internet reliability is far more important. Home Internet is not adequate to provide a reliable witness or full node.

And then you continue by ending your comment with yet more negativity totally absent of possible solutions . . .

How apropos!

/end trolling


You are not even a good troll at that.

Thank you for the compliment . . . even though I'm sure that wasn't your intention. 🤣