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RE: Can I get a Witness?

in #witness4 years ago

I have some same thoughts about the ninja mine and hope we have a discussion about it soon. Just important to note my proposal, if funded at all, doesn’t come from the ninja mine. As you mentioned, the ninja mine is essentially “stuck” there until it’s converted somehow.

As far as the rest, I will fully admit I can be a total asshole .. am too blunt, get pissed off and say stuff I shouldn’t etc.. so people not liking me is understandable and I would never blame someone for it. I do think my actions should show my commitment to this place though and that my history does not show a focus on money or posting for autos etc etc. Just saying.. no issue with anyone disliking me, but I hope they at least can see my actions have been pretty consistent.


I make jokes that I have "mutual hateful respect" for the lot of the people around here.
In the end, we're all on the same team.