Chart of the World: Is there an actual Thema Mundi? A Theoretical Approach

in #astrologylast year

There are a few ideas that I’ve had for about many years now that I want to get recorded because I may not be the one to purse them. One is the idea of a usable predictable chart of the world. There is a theoretical chart known as the Thema Mundi where the planets are listed in their own domiciles starting with Cancer rising and ending with Capricorn. In this scenario the Moon is placed at 15 Cancer, Sun at 15 Leo, Mercury at 15 Virgo, Venus at 15 Libra, Mars at 15 Scorpio, Jupiter at 15 Sagittarius and Saturn at 15 Capricorn.


Chart of the Eidetic Thema Mundi - credit Meredith Garsten

This is not an actual chart of course. The planets do not conform neatly to the eidetic realm of Nous (due to excessive “hule”) so their positions are chaotic. But what if one runs the Swiss Ephemeris calculation engine in reverse? Can you find a condition where the planets all fall within their own signs as a sort of minimum condition? This would be like having all of the tumblers line up properly enough so that you can unlock the mysteries of the world with a key based in hule (the material realm). In this way one can find the time of the last “Great Reset” with actual readable chart positions that can be studied for the current epoch.

I tried this several years ago, but never reported my findings, but if memory serves I did find one such date in the 1500's that came close and a couple of others BCE. I could not find such an occurrence without an extended range farther into the past. I tried various zodiacs other than tropical, but never did a complete range of the available zodiacs. It did come close a few times but I didn’t bother to record those dates. These were conditions where everything fit except for one planet. I remember Robert Schmidt saying that the exception to the rule, is what makes a metaphor useful (in this case the planet that I could not get to fit in its domicile). So maybe one can use these later charts to study the planet that makes the exception during that period.

One might think of such a chart where the planet that doesn't comply with the domicile relation as being the planet that presents the relief against what anything else being studied. In a crude way, one might think of this planet as the chart ruler for world events from the time of its inception until the next such date when there is either one exception planet or all of them actually line up.

I put this out there as a suggestion for future researchers and to suggest how to tackle the time lord issue. Valens said (in the Anthology published by The Golden Hind Press, translated by Robert Schmidt), that the study of time is best approached to the appropriate scale. That’s my paraphrase, not a literal quote. Valens demonstrated this by saying that children are in a different time scale as compared to adults. The same would likely be the case with the lifespan of civilizations.

For instance, most time lord systems in the Hellenistic era Greek texts used some form of division based upon the major or minor periods of the planets. In zodiacal aphesis (releasing) the minor periods in years are divided by 12 to get scale in months. So to scale up for civilization life spans, might one use some form of multiplication? Would one use the major periods of the planets in zodiacal releasing instead?

I can already hear the cries of traditionalists saying that “it’s not stated in the texts” and that we shouldn’t be doing this. Discovery doesn’t happen without experimentation.
As the developer of the first windows software to include these time lord techniques, I’ve been working with them almost as long as Robert Schmidt had been translating. We finally made the ZR method useful by experimenting until we had that ah-ha moment. Anyone wanting to make progress will have to do the same.



The problem here... or maybe it is a boon


We have entered a new epoch, and things are not the same as they were before.
People are finding different astrology reading methods to work better for today's age.

So, i wouldn't hold too dearly to old understandings
and i wouldn't be too fast to discard new crazy ideas.

In the future, we will use Astrology to determine the climate we are in, and consciously do something about it.

Like, when we enter a "time of war" (wars happen in cyclic patterns) we will be concious of and be on our guard for thoughts that lead to war. Be extra lenient in negotiations. Look extra hard for win-wins. And not push any group into a situation where they will want to break free (with violence)

Thus, with preknowledge, we can create a better future.

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