The Guild

in #diy10 months ago (edited)

The Multibrand Content Creation Guild

In the realm of content creation, it’s often said that it takes a village to create something truly exceptional. At Steelbak, we wholeheartedly subscribe to this sentiment. That’s why we’ve assembled our own “village” of sorts – a team of dedicated specialists, each bringing their unique skills and expertise to the table. We call this team the Multibrand Content Creation Guild.
Meet the Guild

Scott Gregory – CEO/Entrepreneur and Content Creator: As the driving force behind Steelbak, Scott is the visionary who brings all the pieces together. He’s the one behind the camera, capturing the stories, and in front of it, sharing his passion for DIY and open-source philosophy. He’s the one who’s always pushing the boundaries, exploring new ideas, and making sure that Steelbak stays true to its mission.

Content Strategist: Our content strategist ensures that every piece of content we create is aligned with our brand and our goals. They help us tell our story in a way that resonates with our audience and drives engagement.

Digital Marketer: Our digital marketer helps us reach our audience through various digital channels. They’re the ones who make sure our content gets seen by the right people at the right time.

Community Manager: Our community manager is the bridge between Steelbak and our audience. They foster a sense of community among our followers and ensure that our audience feels heard and valued.

Graphic Designer: Our graphic designer brings our content to life with visually appealing designs. They ensure that our brand is consistently represented across all our content.

Web Developer: Our web developer ensures that our website is always up and running smoothly. They’re the ones who turn our ideas into reality on the web.

SEO Specialist: Our SEO specialist ensures that our content is easily discoverable by our audience. They optimize our content and website for search engines, helping us reach a larger audience.

Data Analyst: Our data analyst helps us understand our audience better. They analyze data from our website and social media platforms to provide insights that guide our content and marketing strategies.

Life Coach: Our life coach helps Scott maintain a healthy work-life balance. They provide guidance and support, helping Scott manage his personal life while running Steelbak.

Legal Advisor: Our legal advisor ensures that we stay on the right side of the law. They provide advice on legal matters related to our project, such as copyright issues and contracts.

Financial Advisor: Our financial advisor helps us manage the financial aspects of our project. They assist with budgeting, financial planning, and revenue generation strategies.

Affiliate Marketing Specialist: Our affiliate marketing specialist helps us generate additional revenue through affiliate links. They identify opportunities for affiliate marketing and help us optimize our content for affiliate sales.

Together, we are the Multibrand Content Creation Guild – and we can’t wait to show you what we’re capable of.
Our Schedule.

Scott is still shoeing horses a few days a week. Here’s a rough idea of our weekly schedule:Here’s a rough idea of our weekly schedule:

Monday: Publish & Work on Steelbak content. Scott spends his time filming, editing, and producing content for Steelbak.

Tuesday: Publish & Work on Flying-Higher content. Scott works on creating content and products for this brand, as well as engaging with the community.

Wednesday: Publish & Work on DiggnDeeper content. Scott curates content and engages with the community on this day.

Thursday: This day is flexible and can be used for additional content creation, community engagement, or rest and relaxation.

Friday: This day is reserved for planning and strategizing. Scott works with the rest of the Guild to plan our content strategy for the following week.

Saturday: This day is flexible and can be used for additional content creation, community engagement, or rest and relaxation.

Sunday: The day is off. After a busy week, it’s important to take some time off to recharge and prepare for the week ahead.

We’re excited to embark on this journey with you. Stay tuned for more updates from the Multibrand Content Creation Guild!


Photo from Unsplash