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Congratulations @adm! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Quick feedback
Feedback from the September 1st Hive Power Up Day
Introducing the Hive Power Up Month - Let's grow every day!

Hey, bot, fucking choose your battles. You're on the wrong side.


why you are downvoting the account @rslsaku? best regards.

hello balte,

I wanted to send you a private message, but unfortunately I can't do that yet.
i would like to thank you very much for the time and energy you invest to support me and the project i stand for :)

thank you very much


who are you to do this? for what purpose? and then ask to contact you? before acting you must ask, not after the damage is done!

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive neither forgive.

A quanto pare non sono l'unico pazzo della situazione:) tu mi batti!


hy why are you down vote on my post. any problem?????

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive neither forgive.

Hola @hivewatchers y @spaminator, mi nombre de usuario @endrycelestial veo que me votastes en contra, lamento haber echo plagio ya mande un comunicado por discord como puedo hacer para solucionarlo no lo volvere hacer espero su pronta repuesta gracias, feliz día


Hello. Good morning. I would like to know why my posts were disliked? It is true that in my last post I did something that is against the rules, but I announced my ignorance and proceeded to delete the post. It does not seem fair to me that they gave me dislikes to all my other publications and thus eliminate my income. I am depending on that money to eat and that they do that to me leaves me completely helpless. I would appreciate it if you could explain to me if I am going to receive dislikes that will leave me zero all the time. I do not know how I can communicate with the contacts mentioned there 😥

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive.

give me back my rights
I work hard and my brain is always drained, why are you like that, Sis?
please open your conscience
give me back my rights

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive.

O noble master
return my rights
open your heart
Isn't it family first?
return my rights boss

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive. The target has been warned. ##.#/**---

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive.


Dear Sir, I want to make sure to you that my account is powered down by you, can you not co-powerdown it, I'm not wrong again, I beg you, sir 🙏🙏🙏

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive neither forgive.

ok sir, have supported me, come on sir

thank you greedy ruler !! for his kinship .. indeed you have money but you are arbitrarily

You seems like a guy that can stand his man. I'll be following you.


This man full of Hate and envy , u should all report him to kick him out


Hi @hivewatchers / @spaminator, I'm a new member of the Hive ecosystem and you downvoted my post:

I just wanted to present where I live and I used photos from my phone and from the web.
I understood the plagiarism system and I will only post from my personal photos.
Can you please drop your vote down - Thank you

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive neither forgive.

If I were guilty of what I'm being accused of, I would accept my fate and not try it again.
I'm here trying to find my feet and @ hivewatchers and @adm are dragging me to the mud.
Technology to the best of my understanding is accurate and every correction I made on that post was within 20 mins and 24 hours as you claimed.
Atleast that is what is showing on my phone from my page and you claim it's different on your system.
You have accused me wrongly and passed a verdict unjustly.
And I beg you to review my case

You did nothing wrong, except being willing to become a victim of a criminal. Follow me, and we'll fuck up scum like him. This type of behavior like his went on long enough. I got my first downvote today, and that from his type. He tried his luck with the wrong people this time. Everyone has an address, and everyone can be tracked down to his toothbrush GPS. Follow me, and let's try the legal way of standing together first. Thereafter, we may not forgive neither forgive.

DON'T FUCK WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE. You downvote innocent accounts.. Great people that have done nothing wrong. Great people that contribute value to society and this blockchain. Don't make stupid mistakes. Stay off our radar. Don't fuck with the wrong people. PEOPLE DISAPPEAR IN REAL LIFE. You have been warned.

@hivewatchers @spaminator my account was down voted today by @adm though I got a message from @hivewatchers yesterday and I go through my post and I see that I don't have any plagiarism because I put my source and the link where I got all my information before use,now I open my blog I saw that all my post have been down voted


@hivewatchers, @spaminator,@adm good evening please my account as down voted this afternoon and I don't know why cos I received a message about plagiarism and I checked this post you complained on I saw that I source it and put the link in my write up but to my greatest surprise I saw all my post downvoted today please check well and see @eunice9200

I also have every post i make every day being downvoted, what the hell, why? This is illegal

Can you please explain what I did wrong boss. Because I never broke any of the rules. I mean, if you don't want us here, let us know.i tried proving to @hivewatchers through my comment session, yet to get a response.


Pls kindly look into this. @adm


@hivewatchers Please my post was downvoted and new here and i 've read all the rules, am not sure i have broken any, please check and treat. Thank you.


Hello @hivewatchers / @spaminator I'm not sure how to contact you directly. I got down downvoted by @adm That's why I had to contact you by mentioning you here. Thanks


I deleted my recent post that was mistakenly not declined payout even tho i said it was... i selected it but it didny register and i even took a screenshot

I also delete edited the contents if they were too controversial

I have been dealing with testicle.nerve pain and my tiurettes syndrome snd hive is one of the few things that keeps me from another fentnyl suicide attempt, i already died in an alley thisnyeat and had ro be narvaned and paranediced by sd fire dept....i will stick to non political posts from now on and just make art if tou could consider not downvoting all my future posts , i understand if my recent post was too controversial and will stick to just art and dapp ideas if thats ok

If you got downvoted by me, please contact @hivewatchers / @spaminator.

Hey @adm and those he says contact why the bully flags on @kolus290 ?

The Hivewatchers are not "bullying" anyone.
kolus290 aka solistyle2 is a known scammer.
We don't do proxy appeals. If solistyle2 wants to appeal, he can find us in Discord.

Because you got lots of stolen Hive power you think you can just downvote whoever you want you crazy bot


Good friends, @hivewatchers, I wanted to ask what happens with the negative votes, when do they stop negative votes if a violation of the rules has been committed?, I have been in this community for years, and there are things that I still do not understand, please, do not criticize your job because you have to do things right, but I need answers, rules or regulations, a post where I can read them, because I don't understand anything, I would really appreciate it.

Do only those who are blacklisted receive negative votes, my friend?, or do they give equal punishment to those who are not blacklisted but have recycled? I look forward to your answer, thanks for replying

The Spaminators micro 0.001 cent downvotes are only given to blacklisted accounts.

so the blacklist is your bot trigger

Downvote these nuts off your chin, just because your a bunch of dorks who got picked on in school doesn't mean you can take it out on people, get a fuckin life. Your so pathetic and sheltered that you actually created a bot on hive that downvotes comments that offend you. The crux of it is, Hive is better than Hive Watchers or their creator guilty parties or any other clowns with no life.

its not cents 🤣

Leere los articulos, gracias


@hivewatchers / @spaminator
I got downvoted by @adm in my dtube gaming videos. Is there any problem? I didn't get it yet. I upload my own videos.


The posts from your accounts @arzisan & @skwat are spam that is copied and pasted from your Youtube channel to farm Hive's reward pool.

It is all copypasta spam with no original content creation for Hive.

It is also spam because you have had zero engagement with the Hive platform and the community.

You have never published a single comment.

Your posts have created no engagement from the Hive community. All replies are bot comments/commands.

Also. Your YT channels do not promote and have never promoted Hive.
They have almost no subscribers and were evidently created solely to spam the videos into the Hive blockchain to farm automated rewards.

The Hive blockchain is not a tool to spam the content and Hive's reward pool is not a free money farm.


Why exactly did you downvote my post???
I worked hard to prepare it myself.
All photos and texts that are quotes are references.
Explain exactly one to me!!!!!!
@hivewatchers / @spaminator/ @adm

Jealous much of others?

It is because of arbitrary people like you that almost nobody wants to share content here. Obviously there is censorship in Hice, you apply it.

I contact @hivewatchers / @spaminator via this comment to ask what is the problem so we can address it in a proper manner, if there is anything wrong you can contact me to address the issue. Best Regards.

For any blacklist related inquires please contact Hivewatchers in Discord:

I helped this user recover his account just now, it's really hard to know if he got downvoted due to the hacker or if there's another reason to this supposed blacklist when there's literally no comments left on his downvoted posts. I don't even see you downvoting them so mainly pointing at the others.

@adm amigo mi gran pregunta del millón porque tengo voto negativo tuyo

Hi! I would like to know why I was downvoted all my posts! Thanks!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@bilpcoinbpc(1/5) tipped @adm

Please quit downvoting Scripsio content. We have users that post for SEO purposes. Their content may be on other sites, but is not plagiarized.

Why most of my post downvoted by you? I had just used this platform (ecency) recently.

Because you are a plagiarist

Hi @adm

I was penalized by @hivewatchers over 2 years ago for post recycling.

At that time Spamminator was downvoting my posts to zero for about 6 months.

However, I haven't done any post recycling for over two years, and Hivewatchers and Spaminator stopped downvoting my posts to zero over a year ago.

But recently you have recently started downvoting my posts to zero.

So, I am ask that you stop voting my posts to zero.

Thank you.

This account has been on the blacklist since then. It was blacklisted for keeping refusing to stop mass-recycled post-spam farming. It received a 365-day appeal then and did not finish the appeal.
If you stopped receiving blacklist micro downvotes from the spaminator, it is because of the overload of the bot.
You are still blacklisted. The bot is likely catching up.

This was over two years ago.
I believe I was asked to post with rewards declined for either a time period or a certain number of posts.
I think I completed the declined rewards requirement and I stopped recycling posts.
I thought my suspension was lifted after doing those things.

Could you please tell me when you came to Discord and requested the appeal and when it was granted with these instructions?

It was a little over 2.5 years ago.
I am sorry, but I don't remember the exact instructions, I remember being told to post original content and I think mark it rewards declined for a certain number of posts.
I am not sure. It could have been 10 posts or even 20.
I honestly don't remember. I just published the number of posts, rewards declined and waited. I don't remember hearing anything from anyone after that, but the downvotes stopped, so I assumed I was off the blacklist.

We have no record in Discord showing that you ever came to appeal.

Discord Appeals:

I understand.
I went to the discord and read the instructions.
I have stopped recycling posts.
I already posted the required amount of posts which were Rewards Declined over 2.5 years ago.
I can write an apology post, but I no longer have the links for the posts from 2.5 years ago to add.
If I write one without thse links would that be acceptible?

I stopped recycling posts over two years ago. May I be removed from the blacklist of accounts please.

Please stop downvoting my posts to zero.
I write original content and I am following all the rules.
Thank you.

Porque das votos negativos

Hey friend, I hate circlejerks, espeically those with 10 accounts voting themselves, thanks for your downvote service !

I wanted to thank you for removing my source of livelihood in this harsh economy. Thank you for making my death faster.

Hey @adm @hivewatchers @spaminator , could you kindly stop downvoting my content for no reason? Every time I want to get back to creating content this behaviour just puts me off. I've been here for years, made over 10k posts. Kindly guide. TIA

ya los contacte y creo que te equivocaste ,gente asi no publico mas por que antes de pregunytar acusan asi que adios .

@hivewatchers / @spaminator

Why am i being downvoted?? Whats the reason?


You read many comments from us throughout the years.
The blacklist would not go away after you reactivate your account after a long break.


@bpcvoter2 passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

@hivewatchers and @spaminator
@adm downvoted a post i made about 3 hours ago with absolutely no reason why i was downvoted.
The article is fully mine and i didn't copy paste in any way, photos used i mentioned the owners.
So why the downvoted?
Here is the link to the post

He even downvoted a post i made yesterday and few others that i didn't plagiarise. A day before yesterday @hivewatch warned me for plagiarism in a post which never repeated again. The posts he downvoted were my brain works which i didn't copy from anywhere to write.
This is so unfair
If i copied in a post and that post was downvoted i won't bother because i know it's against the rules and entirely my fault.
But this is something else
@spaminator please look into this.
It's heartbreaking that all my efforts are gone for no reason at all

You don't need to explain yourself to a criminal. Stand with me and we'll do something about it. His type poses a danger to the Hive blockchain. And what scum like him forgets, is that he can be traced, right down to his mommy's basement.

Seriously i am not okay with the way the handle things around here. It's as if nobody is subjected to making mistakes once or twice in there life time

Exactly. And there's no reason why you should take such abuse of power laying down just because the piece of scum bribed himself into a 60 rep score. Always remember, it's a person and not a computer that wronged you. He's going to remember that lesson himself soon.

I hope he does soon enough. Maybe they think we are AI that should work according to there program

He's a piece of trash loser in that nest Cambodia. I made a funny joke on someone's post, at the expense of terrorists. And because the adm loser is a Muslim, and he associates with suicide bombers apparently, so he downvoted my comment. Look closely, he only downvotes people with reputation scores lower than he's. He is a fucking loser that needs to destroy other people's work for him to feel better about himself. 95% of his downvotes are unjustified. But he made two mistakes. His one mistake was to downvote a guy with a rep of 70+, and then that guy left him a message. He nearly pissed himself and went to change his vote on that whale.

Let's talk on discord

Hivewatchers do not equalize posts for no reason. You have received plenty of reasons from us.

But this downvoted posts i didn't copy them, so what's the reason for that too ?

@spaminator downvoting a post i copied is totally cool but this one's i didn't copy is not cool boss. It took me hours of the day to sit and write those posts before posting.
Common boss

The ones that was my fault i accepted them and stopped.

@hivewatcher i am sorry for every offence i committed. I seek to make amends please, i know you are human and you would understand that hive means alot to me. Please tamper justice with mercy

what is your problem? you always downvoted my post! do you have a problem to me?

2d Attempt !

@hivewatchers , @spaminator

You have again admin downvoted five of my posts - @kevinnag58. After the first go round with you, I decided to comply with your so-called 50/50 rule and have been using more than 50% of my own content (words paraphrased) to get the context across. The see, e.g. citations are provided solely for the purpose of identifying the source of my information. As I'm complying with what you wanted I do not understand the downvotes on my pending articles. I would politely ask that you provide me with an explanation at once as your censorship actions are a serious matter and are truly a disservice to Hive.

The account was blacklisted on the 18th of November for continuing with copypasta spam, despite our previous comments.
If you would like to appeal the blacklist, you can appeal it in our appeals channel:

Thank youi

I apologize for my copy work i only copy one post but @spammonitor again and again downvote me

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