The Daily Meme #722!

in #governance3 months ago

We need more granularity in proposal voting.


Lots of people are not happy with how the dao is making its way.
The current structure is not granular enough.
Some measure of negative votes needs to be seen in the ui's, if not on the chain itself.
I'd suggest the same for witness voting.

How can we gauge displeasure when the ui's don't allow us a way to measure it? @peakd @ecency @dbuzz @liketu

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Sign in here.


I agree with this. Don't just show the level of support. Show the level of opposition to a proposal.

Hay buenos y malos gobiernos pero el de Venezuela es el peor..

In fact, we should be able to see who downvotes us. By the way, I am against downvote.

You can see it on, or one of the other block explorers.

I'd suggest the same for witness voting.

You just reminded me of before the top 200 witness were listed. Was it as low as the top 30 being listed at one time? Sounds insane in hindsight.

It may have been the top 50?
I remember having to know the witness's name beyond that.
But, it's been 500 on peakd for a long time.

Kudos to peakd!

Perhaps they might be interested to add a one pinned post option to profiles using the account owner's JSON Metadata while loading the profile to know which one is pinned.

It's in the three dots.

Hot damn! :)


Why was the banana denied bail?
Every judge knows bananas splits.

Credit: reddit
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