MES Livestream 35: Geoengineering Deep Dive

in MES Conspiracylast month (edited)

9/11 Revisionist joins the show again to go over the 9/11 coverup and the vast network that continues to this day to suppress the real truth of 9/11, which was first uncovered by Dr. Judy Wood.

May 4, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

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Stream Notes and Links


  1. MES Links:
  2. 9/11 Revisionist Livestream next Saturday May 11 on UFO media covering up 9/11.
  3. 9/11 Revisionist's third YouTube channel deleted... Here is his 4th:
  4. Where did the Towers Go book is live again:
  5. May 25 Saturday Morgan Reynolds Livestream
  6. 2/3 of $9.99 is $6.66 and not 30%:
  7. Meth / Math Lab bust:
  8. MES Worm Man movie woww
  9. MES Livestream via AI face swap as a Japanese woman??
  10. YouTube thinks I own the copyright to Conspiracy Theorista's Rockefeller video:
  11. COVID silent protest on MES Truth.
  12. Agenda 2030 Deep Dive??
  13. We don't know how magnets, gyroscopes, or bicycles work LOL ~~~ embed:1782641824303112575 and twitter metadata:TXJIYW5kNDYxODJ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTXJIYW5kNDYxODIvc3RhdHVzLzE3ODI2NDE4MjQzMDMxMTI1NzUgYW5kIGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTXJIYW5kNDYxODIvc3RhdHVzLzE3ODM0NTQ2MjY3MzU0NDQyMjN8 ~~~
  14. TikTok Odessa video has over 100k views!
  15. You're SELFISH covid parody:
  16. Mark Conlon recommending MES!
  17. Great predictive programming 9/11 channel:
  18. Rob Simone's website:
  19. Otis T. Carr got mystery illness just before showcasing his flying saucer:
    • Otis T. Carr and Ralph Ring's OTC-X1 Flying Saucer + documents
    • Mind control??
  20. Ball Lightning Footage:
  21. Ron Muckle asks Alien Scientist about Ball Lightning and 9/11, but AS squirms...
  22. Smart fit Battle of Jericho 1967:
  23. Epic solar eclipse thread:
  24. Andrew Johnson's book: Earth but not as we know it:
  25. Rare footage of steel beams fuming:
  26. WSJ article from October 5, 2001 about the steel "evaporating" and aluminum "plane" slicing cleanly through 1 inch thick steel box columns:
  27. Missing bolts in the "plane" debris steel columns:
    • Aluminum is SO MUCH weaker than steel. A wooden drill bit can easily drill through aluminum but not steel (drill bit will get damaged when drilling steel).
  28. Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Richard Gage gas lighting Building 7:
    • Republican gate keeper Tom Fitton pushing the Osama myth:
  29. Disinfo agent Nix deleted the hit piece against me.... as expected... 9/11 Revisionist downloaded it before it got deleted:
  30. 9/11 Alex Jones Caller was on the stream last week!
  31. Big Disinfo X accounts pushing video fakery disinfo:
  32. Dr. Judy Wood RFC Qui-Tam legal case deep dive??
  33. They Live silent protest:
  34. Scalar weapons becoming mainstream, and not necessarily "proton physics":
  35. Disinfo agent adding strobe lights to plane. wow:
    • Photos showing right wing phasing out. And no wing hole after explosion. Photo shows missing left wing.
    • Pod under plane disinfo.
    • CTV911 aka 911Demolition aka Matt Nelson is a disinfo agent.
  36. Trump June 14 WWW 666:
  37. Tim Ventura met John Hutchison multiple times at his Vancouver home:
    • Transmutation at Hutchison Effect regions or trace elements moving towards that region.
    • Steel Knife in alluminum block was cut in half with a saw afterwards. Different melting points = jellification.
    • Grainy / sandy / non-smooth regions.
    • Effect usually starts at the end or middle of samples
    • John's legendary Hutchison Balcony. has a machine gun.
    • 3000 pounds of equipment vibrating at the end of the video.
    • See video description for links to photos of samples and spectroscopy results by Dr. George Hathaway:
  38. ARA 9/11 archive photos:
  39. Crowley book: Page 137:
  40. Geoengineering San Fransciso:
  41. Trump the Last President: ~~~ embed:Yd0Ah2Komco youtube ~~~
  42. 9/11 explosion: jacket or person?? ~~~ embed:IT6vyXCysXk youtube ~~~
    • Arms are pushed forward and not backward.
  43. Mark Conlon website update with lots of declassified files:
    • Team 7 / Team 8 = planes files.
    • 9/11 Planes Research on Substack:
    • ELTs can't be manually updated, only on impact. And all went off at different times than the impacts.
    • No ELTs, official document, no serial number so how to match parts to planes... Shanksville has serial number though. FOIA has no record of debris matching serial numbers:
    • ELTs that did go off were not from 9/11 "planes" and were too early.
    • Mike Byrd troll:
    • ELT documents:
  44. 9/11 Flight Simulator:
  45. AI Missile Swarms...
  46. Dubai cloud seeding airport flood:
  47. Cloud generator: ~~~ embed:C9vfoBiBI2k youtube ~~~
  48. HARP
  49. Earth's magnetometer data on 9/11:
  50. WeatherWar101 proof of weather manipulation: ~~~ embed:qWnFRti4UU0 youtube ~~~
  51. Weather man faking:
  52. Record temperature swings for April 28th in Vancouver, Canada:
  53. Texas Weather Modification:
  54. Alleged Passengers on 9/11 deep dive:
  55. Actual large planes vs 9/11 black silhouette:
  56. New York City Eric Adams and Police Commissioner are Freemasons... Simpsons is right, freemasons run the country (and world).
  57. Eric Laithwaite colleagues knew he was right about gyroscopes but were scared of losing their jobs.
  58. Michael Jackson 9/10 concert.
  60. Kai Simonsen is CEO of Millennium HD:
  61. 2013 and earlier MH370 styled orbs / hoax / hologram claims:
  62. 9/11 Planes Research substack for plane / passenger / pilots info.
  63. Kevin Westley 2nd "plane" footage is bizarre: a Person said "United Airplane" crashed into it… woww disinfo agent. "on purpose"… "737".
    • Includes slow motion at the end. Plays it again with music and UN et al buildings. 100% disinfo agent. Zooming in on what appears to be paper but actually weird orbs.
    • He worked at Boeing?? YouTube wasn't around in 2001...
    • Check watch in video, and says THE second plane and not A second plane...
    • He said he accidently uploaded it private since 2001... YouTube didn't exist until 2005...
  64. Scott Myers YouTube channel has many Gems. Worked for Boeing too.
  65. World Order japanese band has 33 videos total since 2021...
  66. Photos of the 2nd "plane" show similar wing phasing out and orbs:
    • Photos have higher exposure than videos per frame.
  67. Holographic person in the sky in California??
  68. Sound waves to create holograms with sound and touch.
  69. Twin Towers should've used NagarJuna cement LOL 🤣 ~~~ embed:95-KgsbjZ_s youtube ~~~
  70. Fake news censorship goes back centuries:
  71. 9/11 Revisionist waking peepz up:
  72. 9/11/1968 Air France flight 1611 crashes. Theres speculation from the families that it was shot down by a missile if you read the Wikipedia:
  73. 9/11 Predictive Programming archive article:
  74. Prince 9/11 Osama 2001 prediction in 1998: