These Days

These Days


These days I wake up tired, my being stretched, as each day, I push myself to the limit. It's not forever I tell myself, yet it seems that way at times. This morning after doing some care work, I made my way to another job, where I cleaned windows, floor to ceiling, with such amazing views. But after a week of rain, the sun is back and it feels hot, such a stark contrast to last week. Cleaning windows, with the sun shining on me, was tiring work. How much longer do I have to keep this up, I find myself asking.


I'm so grateful for the work, ever so grateful, but I feel so tired these days. But I keep going, just keep going. I'm so good at that, at pushing myself. I'll keep it up, while I'm able, until something better, something different comes along.

Trusting that something better is coming my way. Trusting. Taking a deep breath and trusting. But even more than that, believing.


Last night my youngest had an earache in the night, she was screaming out in pain, whilst I done the best to calm her. Putting warm garlic oil in her ear and massaging around the outer ear with CBD oil. Midnight passed, then one, then two. Yes I was counting the hours. At three, she finally fell into a deep sleep as I sang to her.


Then I was up 4 hours later. When my alarm went off, oh how I wished I was dreaming, but alas I was not. Time to rise with the sun. To shake off my sleeplessness and begin my day. Telling myself that I had enough sleep. My girls are all still asleep, just the animals are awake and greet me. I have my lemon water, then chaga tea and then I grap a banana to eat on the way. It's too early to eat, so a snack is all I need. The sun is rising and I love watching it hit the trees and light up my surroundings. Once I start walking, I feel so much better, my body wakes fully as I take in my surroundings.


After all that rain, there are so many wild flowers, just popping up everywhere. Splashes of purple, green, yellow and red, greet me on the land and along the roadside as I make my way to work. Poppies, Borage, Chamomile, Sorrel. Oh how my spirits rise and everything, in that moment is perfect. My girls sleeping peacefully and me doing what I need to do, surrounded by beauty. And there are mushrooms to be found on the land that we live on.

All photos are mine, taken today.


Boy oh boy, you do have your hands full. Nature is a great healer, stay strong my friend.

Thank you @farm-mom. I'm finding my way xx

Just keep moving and think of the good things or motivate yourself so that it won't be hard for you.

You also can inhale the fresh air coming from the nature.Anyways,The flowers is captivating in my eyes as well as the river🥰

Yes keep moving, thank you @melcakes xx

Are you ok? I see you posting but not replying to the comments people leave.

Hey @galenkp, thank you for reaching out. I am going through a challenging time right now, I don't have so much time to be engaging unfortunately. Writing helps me to reflect, so when I come on here, that's all the time I have, to write. To share a little bit. I know in time, I will be more involved again, but right now, somethings are a struggle and I need to prioritize my time. But I do miss engaging with everyone. I will catch up with all my wonderful comments. I do feel bad for just posting right now, but as I said the writing helps me, it's a part of my process.
I hope you are well xxx