BeetEOS multiwallet for Bitshares/EOS blockchains updated to version 1.1.3!

in BitShares21 days ago


What is the BeetEOS wallet?

BeetEOS is a stand-alone key/identity-manager and signing app for both EOS and BTS based blockchains, heavily influenced by the Bitshares Beet and Scatter wallets.

This multi-wallet supports BTS, BTS_TEST, EOS, BEOS and TLOS with fully localized operation prompts.

Third party applications can easily delegate blockchain operations and identity management to the BeetEOS multi-wallet, focusing entirely on the development of front end technologies without worrying about key security implications.

So, what's the news?

The BeetEOS multi-wallet has released a new wallet version v1.1.3!

If you're in need of a new wallet for the above listed blockchains, try it out!

Release Notes

Fixed production build issue: Argv path differences between dev & production resolved - prompts should execute as expected.

Package version updates - keeping things evergreen!

Small UX improvements to the login screen - improving margins and allowing unlock on enter key press.

What's coming next for BeetEOS?

  • Improving github actions
    • Updating release packages
    • Upload built assets to VirusTotal similar to other Bitshares applications
  • More blockchains?
  • Removing TUSC (RIP)..
  • Anything you've got in mind?

Comment below if you've got any questions about the BeetEOS multi-wallet.

Go install the latest BeetEOS client!

Thanks to everyone who is using the BeetEOS multiwallet & to the BTWTY crew for reporting the production build issues which are now resolved!

These developments were brought to you by the NFTEA Gallery.

Consider collecting an NFTEA NFT to support continued Bitshares developments.

Don't have a Bitshares account? Make one today!