CDC stopped recording flu cases at some point

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

The CDC used to record flu cases and show interactive charts of various kinds. You can see them for previous years and the beginning of 2020 here. But they stopped at some point in 2020, as admitted on the page:

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this system will suspend data collection for the 2020-21 influenza season. Data from previous seasons are available on FluView Interactive.

I checked the wayback machine on, and I found that this setion of the page was only added sometime in October. Did they only stop recording flu cases in October? No.

I did an analysis of the flu view charts earlier in 2020 when the scamdemic was starting and all the issues were being brought forth about diagnosing people with COVID-19, as having died "from" COVID-19. At the time I noticed that the flu cases were dropping off right when COVID-19 cases were rising. Flu cases practically vanished eventually, when normally for all preceding years, there were always more cases.



It as as if flu cases were being turned into COVID-19 cases... imagine that! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the CDC gave guidances for designating death certificates as COVID-19 deaths if you get a test positive for some assumed sars-cov-2 genetic material, or if the doctor presumes or assumes it's covid. Flu symptoms are similar to covid, but doctors could just decide it was covid instead of the flu and put the death "from" covid-19 to jack up the numbers.

Oddly enough, despite saying you can view the data from previous seasons in the statement above, the link doesn't work. So they say you can still go look at the Flu View charts, but the site doesn't work. Brilliant.

Try to click on "View this application" yourself at You can't view the app.

They cut off flu counting, with only covid-19 being of concern, and any doctor can just mark flu symptoms as covid. Totally legit. Then there is the fact that a positive PCR test doesn't mean your even infected as a real case, but the media reports these dubious test positives (up to 90% false positive rate) as "cases".


But fear sells and the media has to be more interesting than the next channel.

Here the weather man always makes the worst case weather model headline news. We are going through an atmospheric river. At 11 am it was to deluge from he heavens.

It's 1:11 and it's sprinkling. Seems the system shifted and we are just being brushed...

Oh it gets better! That's not all!

We get snow? It's snow apocalypse!!! We are going to all die and be snowed in...

Then Portland shuts down for an inch of snow and anyone driving on the roads plays bumper cars...