Nurses threatened with termination if they speak out about empty hospitals

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

If you see something, say something, right? Well, not always, that is if you want to keep your job. When authority gets mixed in, they want people to do as their told. That's why there is a need for whistleblower protection.

Deceptions, lies, frauds and criminal behavior can happen and continue to be carried out if no one is aware of it to make it stop. That's not to say that when the scam wrong behavior is known that it will be stopped. There are many things that are exposed but the wrong path is persisted as nothing stops the behavior from continuing.

In some places, like where I live in Montreal, nurses are being threatened with termination if they speak about their work environment. They may not be exposing the scamdemic to the news media who would doubtfully even air it, but they do share the reality with people they know.

I have 2 reports from nurses who say the COVID areas of the hospitals they work in are pretty much empty. It's a dead zone with no activity essentially. Meanwhile, the rest of the hospital has their resources reduced to barely any activity as well. Why don't they go to the media? Because they will be fired if they do. That is the age we live in. Tyranny grows.

Need cancer screening? Forget about it, you have to wait. Need surgery? Forget it about, you have to wait. Until when? When the "pandemic" (scamdemic) is over. There is no pandemic anymore, only a hyped up casedemic, but they want people to think there is some imagined crisis.

The lie must go on to sell the agenda for lockdowns, masks and the economic destruction to usher in a remaking of the world (aka Great Reset, Agenda 2021/2030, etc). After all, we're all "in this together" as the brainwashing wants us to comply with everything going on. Fuck off with your fake ass unity fraud.


It's all part and parcel of the Davos Depop strategy. They are fully weaponizing the medical industry to help in the extermination. It's the same on the west coast of Canada. Several of my friends in the protest movement back in April went into the local hospitals--empty! Then they knew Covid was a scam. Our B.C. Provincial health officer, Bonnie Henry, used to work for the Gates Foundation. These globalist psychopaths are committing crimes against humanity for their great re-set agenda.


Yes, many of the government stooges are connected to Gates or Bilderberg or other globalist agenda groups to remake the world.

Same in Sweden, they prepared the hospitals for Covid and their ICU's are empty.

At least Sweden didn't go crazy like everywhere else with lockdowns and mandating masks etc :|