My HIVE Anniversary : What a Year Has Taught

in Ecency7 months ago

My HIVE Anniversary, One-Year-Old

Greetings, friends. It's really amazing. I was thinking about how fast time passes, and when I checked my profile, I realized that it has been exactly 1 year since I joined this platform. So much has happened in this process. First of all, I would like to briefly tell the story of how I joined. Then I will talk about which communities I discovered in my adventure and what kind of articles I wrote there. I will finish this article after I talk about what Hive has taught me.

How I Joined the Hive Platform

My fiancé @ipexito recommended it to me. She had recently joined and started to earn some income. But she said her main motivation was blogging and learning English. So I visited the page for a few days without paying much attention. I looked at the HOT posts that appeared on the home page. After I started to see what people were sharing, I was inspired. My fiancé told me that I could write similar blogs. And she was right, I loved writing and that's how I started this adventure with Ecency.

Which Communities I Discovered and Why I Write on There

First of all, the INKWELL community is one of my favorites. Also WORLDBUILDING. The reason is that I am a dungoen master. So I'm a game master in dungeons and dragons. Creativity means everything to me. That's why I have written a lot of articles and stories in these communities and I continue to write. I will continue to write. I will probably write another article tomorrow, because the inspiration, the variety of prompts and the support of the admins is really nice.

If you also like writing stories, I highly recommend it.

In addition, I joined the Tabletop / DND because it is also related to the game of dungeons and dragons. I was also interested in DIYHUB. There are two reasons for this. First, I could paint the miniatures I printed with my friend's 3d printer and throw them to this community. Second, as I followed, I realized that the things I see as waste at home can actually be recycled, sold or even given as a gift to someone else. I learned that I can make an event day and evaluate such items. That's why DIYHUB is one of my favorite communities. Even though I haven't written for a long time, I continue to follow it.

HIVE GAMING is a very important and open-minded community for me. When I first wrote here, I thought that only computer games would be evaluated, but that was not the case. They were very hospitable and included tabletop games as well and I was very happy. In the coming days, I want to review the tabletop game books I bought in this community. Not only that, but some of the blogs I wrote about being a gamer and the things that are noteworthy for me when evaluating games have also received a lot of attention. I'm very happy about that. If we were only talking about video games, then the pleasure I get here would be less. It's very good right now.

I'm not someone who reads a lot of books. Unless you count comic books... But I'm very curious about people's opinions about books. That's why I follow HIVE BOOK CLUB.

PINMAPPLE has become one of my favorites to follow travel articles. WEEKEND EXPERIENCES is also a group where beautiful articles are shared. Urban Exploration is another amazing community for me it is both inspiring for my games and travel related.

In short, every community I discovered started to add something to me. I'm currently writing on Reflections, ThoughtfulDailyPost . The people who share their insights there are really amazing. It is sincere. It feels like a real conversation. This made me want to contribute to these communities as well.

In some of them above, I wrote how-to articles, in others I shared the places I visited. I will continue to do so as much as I can from now on.

What HIVE Taught Me

  • I never understood crypto, and I can't say I fully understand it now. But every day I learn something new.
  • Even though the world is so big, we are all kindred spirits. What we take for granted in some cultures can be a hard-earned thing in other cultures. Especially when I see the posts of friends who are struggling economically, I realize how much difference our country of birth makes.
  • It is possible to support people here. HIVE is never just a place to make money. The curation system here is perfect. And I'm glad it is. It is really good to win as you vote and grow as you distribute.
  • Tangible changes are being made. I see posts about clean water wells being drilled in Africa, it's incredible.
  • There are also friends who share their psychological problems. There are communities and people helping them. In terms of health, people tend to help each other. I've always said that psychological and physical health is more important than money. Even though I think these communities should get more support, it's nice to see people opening up and having a place to talk about their problems.
  • I had the opportunity to see places I would never see in my lifetime. Yes, I can see them on instagram. But it's too *dressed up . That is why the travel articles shared on HIVE are more sincere. They are more real. People also share their breakfast, their daily life. Their town, city or places they have visited. This creates a more intimate environment. Seeing pictures taken with simple phones, images not edited with photoshop makes me learn more real things.
  • I never thought of myself as someone who would be interested in gardening, but thanks to the gardening community I am slowly getting interested in it and I would like to buy a plot of land in my own country in the future. Let's see if I can do it...
  • As I mentioned above, thanks to the DIYHUB community, I had the opportunity to learn how to reuse many things. There are friends who share simple things and there are friends who recycle very well. I think this might be the place I enjoy following the most.
  • Thanks to the Hive Gaming community, I learned games I didn't know. For example, I currently have a game called Pentiment installed on my computer and I downloaded it by seeing it in this community. Not only that, we even communicated with friends who liked the games I played before via discord. We even played LOL.
  • Now some other support communities are being created. I can not fathom how much The Hive will change in the future, and change ''the'' future. But Im absolutely sure it will be amazing.

My Last Words and My Only Advice to New Friends: Sincerity

One thing I've noticed lately with newcomers is that they want to produce a lot of content and get a lot of votes.

You don't need this.

I write more fluently when I write from the heart, it's faster and it's definitely noticeable. I find it more constructive to write good quality content. I'm not saying to force yourself, I'm just saying that if you use a little more "style", if you make the content more readable, I'm sure you will enjoy it much more.

Commenting on other people is also not really hard. Instead of hanging out on other social media apps, you can download Ecency. I usually use Ecency and I'm on mobile. The app makes my job very easy because I have my phone in my hand when I'm commenting. Most of the time I'm even on the phone when I'm writing a post. It's possible to look at the phone quickly at work, but I can't carry a laptop. I can't take my computer with me...

It is very difficult to read just full text...

Styling and mobile make it a bit easier.

I have also shared many times only 100% powerup posts and I recommend you to do that once in a while because it also means saving for a rainy day, for health or for times that require a lot of money like marriage, vacation. I will not mention how important the curation again because I already told it above.

When you are writing something, when you find your own topic, go with the flow and the rest will follow. It is really important to interact with people. Yes, reading articles is hard. It's much easier to watch YouTube shorts. It's much faster to look at photos on Instagram. But it always takes effort to learn something.

I have made a lot of friends in a year and I can already see that some of them will last a long time.
I hope HIVE will have a good place in your life too.
It is a good habit and an enjoyable platform.

Thank you for reading. Happy first birthday.

Image Werner Moser by Pixabay'

Image 2 5688709 Pixabay'


Congratulations on your one-year anniversary, @arduilcelebren. You have learned and achieved so much in one year. And you really captured what it is all about — curiosity and community.

Even though the world is so big, we are all kindred spirits.

So true! We can all learn so much from each other. I feel strongly that involvement in Hive helps people to get over their fear of things that are different from themselves. It really has the potential to make a difference on a global level for that reason.

It can create an awakening and I want to be there when it happens 🙏

Thank you so much for your support, for everything 🤗

I love the community spirit on Hive's awesome you've been here a whole year!!!

It is really fascinating how quickly the time passes 🙏

Happy anniversary.

Those communities are nice and there are beneficial

I'm glad you were able to gain somethings from hive. Well done.

Thank you so much I'm glad that I've found them and they are also recommended to me by friends. Which communities you are writing mostly? Do you recommend any?

Happy first anniversary to you. Looks like this years has been an amazing journey for you and you’ve learned and grew a lot. It has also been a year since I joined and now you inspired me to write about my journey too!
I do love how many various communities there are on Hive. Everyone can find something for themselves here 😍

That's amazing and happy to inspire you pls tag me when you share your experiences 😊 which communities are you preferring to post? 🙏👏

I hope I’ll remember to tag! 😁
#FungiFriday and #HiveGarden are some of my favourite ones, but I post in a few other ones like #ladiesofhive, #freecompliments, #innerblocks and others ☺️

Happy Hive anniversary man! You've written so many great posts during your 1 year here and it's been a pleasure to read them. Thank you for always sharing quality and heartfelt posts. I hope we will celebrate your 2nd year in the same way.

Thank you so much I'm really happy to make a friends that is supportive like you 🙏 2nd year excites me 🤯😄😁

Congratulations @arduilcelebren! You received a personal badge!

Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 1 year!

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LEO Power Up Day - November 15, 2023

Happy hive anniversary 🎊

Happy anniversary !PGM

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Thank you for the shout-out, @arduilcelebren. It's great to have you in The Ink Well community, and it's wonderful to read about your Hive journey.

Thank you for your time and effort to create amazing stories 👏💪🙏

I'm new on Hive Blockchain an I had also best experience till now and I hope I'll improve myself on this platform.

Welcome onboard 👏👏


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