Splinterlands Learning Challenges In The Past

in Splinterlands15 days ago


Hello, guys welcome back to my splinterlands social media challenge post we are celebrating 6 year anniversary of Splinterlands and we are going to share information regarding it I want to share my important events of the past regarding Splinterlands so I want to share one challenge that I faced and that is learning splinterlands game in the past. So as I said in my main posts in the beginning it was difficult for me to learn because there was no tutorial available on the Internet so learning was a big challenge for me.

In my previous social media challenge post, I talked about small details regarding the learning splinterlands challenge but now I am going to discuss more. so as you know my joint splinterlands through steem bot tracker website which was a bot platform to buy steem upvotes. So I tried to find Splinterlands tutorials to understand the game but I got nothing I just found some random battles but they are not giving proper information regarding the battle details. There is a two-minute timer in battle so in these two minutes you have to set the team you have to select a team but what if you don’t know what the mana is?

So same thing happened to me because I didn’t even know what Mana was and that particular thing took lots of time to understand because I have never played a game like this I have not even played any card game which is why it was difficult for me. So setting mana and big confusion was which card should I put on first and which in the last so that particular thing was also taken much time in my learning so first I learned Manacap and tried to set the cards in he mana caps and then I have learned which card to put first and which card at last.

For some days I have used ranged attack monster at the first position and at that time close-range ability was not available if you are thinking that I put closed-range ability at first then it can work but if I talk about the old time of Splinterlands then that time close-range ability monster was not available so if you put ranged attack monster at the first position then it is not going to work the same case with the sneak ability monsters so same case with melee attack monsters so if you put melee attack monsters other than the first positions, it is also not going to work. So this was a big challenge too.

So I learned this thing by seeing the game of other users. First I studied in detail why opponents always put ranged attack monsters at last. Then I started learning abilities and placing cards according to them. And thankfully there is a description available that you can read and follow. First I learned sneak ability and started avoiding melee attack monsters to use other positions than the first. I started using the opportunity and sneak ability monsters instead of simple melee attack monsters.

And this particular change helped me to win many battles. So that’s how I learned splinterlands. Hit the upvote button if you liked this information also share this post on social media using #play2earn and #splinterlands tags. New users join splinterlands under me referral link is below. Have a good day.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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Indeed it was difficult to learn it the first time because there were no tutorials available on the internet but your efforts have brought you far.Today you are celebrating 6 years so all the best to you here's wishing you a brighter future.Important events from your past related to Splinterlands Keep sharing and we're ready to read.

splinterlands covered a lot of distance slowly. Your post is really full of information. Thanks.

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121