Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Heavy Hitters 1 - Modern Diamond Ranked

in Splinterlands15 days ago
Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with the Heavy Hitters rule set!


Heavy Hitters is a rule set that gives the Knock Out ability to all monsters. Honestly, there isn't much strategy in this rule set. Most of the time you want to play the best team, ignoring this ability. Stun becomes better but not that much. Stun is already pretty good when it activates. Making it better when it does, doesn't cover its main weakness: having bad RNG and not activating. I don't recommend playing several Stun monsters just for this. Play them if you were already going to play them or if you are in doubt about 2 different monsters.

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Let's take a look at a game with this rule set. I fought an interesting battle in Modern Diamond Ranked:


This game also has the Tis but Scratches and the Wands Out rule sets. In a Wands Out games, I usually want to play Earth for Immortalis. If that's not available, it's usually between Death with Thaddius Brood and Dragon, not so much for the summoners (all the Modern ones have their utility in this rule set) but for the powerful magic monsters in this splinter. I went with Thaddius Brood. I placed Djinn Muirat in the front, followed by Nalara Geinek. It has Stun but the main reason I'm using it is the Silence. Next, I placed Usut, Baron Fyatt, Cabalist, and Doctor Blight. Magi Necrosi would have been a good option over Baron but I thought the Halving with Scattershot had more potential. They opted for Quix the Devious with Agor Longtail in the front. Next, they had Djinn Muirta, Chaos Dragon, Magi Necrosi, Oshuur Constantia, and Doctor Blight.


I started the Ambush phase with a Halving on their tank. I Stunned their tank and Djinn Muirat hit for 12 damage! It has Giant Killer to double the damage once and the Knock Out doubled it again! It for Resurrected and my Doctor Blight didn't Poison. After dealing significant damage to my Muirat, they got rid of it in round 2. However, my Cabalist got revenge with the Giant Killer. I was able to Stun their Muirat, my Baron killed Oshuur and my Blight also made good use of the Knock Out to deal exactly 4 damage to their Djinn. In round 3, Cabalist killed Chaos Dragon and the rest of the attacks left only their Doctor Blight alive, although barely. I finished the game in the next round. It is cool to see a game where even if you mostly ignore a rule set, it still ends up having some impact.


What do you all think about Heavy Hitters? Do you have any interesting games or strategies for it? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121