6 Years of Splinterlands, and Beyond!

in Splinterlands16 days ago


Hello there.

Last week I talked about my history with Splinterlands. I wasn't there in the early days of the game, especially when they had the kickstarter, but I have been playing for almost 3 years now. In the early days of my playing, I used to post articles that aimed to help newer and beginner players. I discussed cards that were cheap to rent back then, teams to use, and other guide. For this post, I will do something similar, and try to help beginners.


First, is to join the Splinterlands Discord. The button is located at the bottom of the game page. There are a lot of helpful guides and tutorials that can help new players in the tutorial-videos channel. The people in the Discord Tavern are always happy to help beginners. If you are lucky and are able to talk to some whales, they might even delegate some cards and or SPS to help you get started.


Another important channel is the guild-recruitment one. There are guilds in SPL, and they have a lot of different benefits like guild bonus, shop, and Brawls. The Brawls is one of the big reasons to join a guild. Players enter a Fray, and guilds battle one another. There is a ranking on the performance of the guild, and those that do well get a lot of SPS and Merits. Merits can be used to buy packs and get Gladiator cards. Apart from the Brawl rewards, Veterans in the guild can help new players, and can also delegate cards to help players win their battles.


Before playing, players can try and go to NFTY Arcade and check out if they can rent out some decks to help them with their battles. When you use their service, they will get a small share of the rewards received, similar to a scholarship. For the battles, I think newer players are better off playing in Modern format first and learn through playing. Once they get the hang of it and get more cards, they can try the Wild format.


From my experience, the Modern format gets difficult very quickly. A lot of players playing there are very competitive, and I've faced high to max level cards even in Bronze 1. Wild on the other hand is more chill and laid back. They recently removed the starter cards in Wild so it isn't as beginner friendly as before.


Finally, try and join tournaments when possible. They recently changed the official tournaments to no longer cost anything so that makes joining them more enticing for players. There are still some minimum requirements, so newer players might not be able to join a lot early on. One of the nice tournaments is the one created by kryptogames. It just costs 1 DEC, and is one of the few ways left on how players can earn DEC. Tournaments can help get more experience, and learn of different strategies. The DEC earned from the Kryptogames tournament can be used to buy cards.


These are some of the things that I wish I knew when I started, things I still do now, and hope will be helpful to new and beginner players. To play the game with a running start, it will be good to get some SPS staked, and some cards. The rewards are dependent on the amount of SPS staked, and there are penalties for using the starter cards.

Splinterlands has been going strong for 6 years. It was massively popular during the last bull run, and it survived the bear market. The team is continuously putting out updates and there are even more to come. With cards and SPS being cheap, now is one of the best times to play Splinterlands.

SPL Separator.JPG

That is it for my brief beginner guide in celebration of Splinterlands turning 6. I hope it is helpful to both new and old players alike. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

If you want to start playing Splinterlands, you can use my link:
Splinterlands Referral Link


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

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