Documenting my Splinterlands Knowledge - Rebellion Starter Monsters - Fire

in Splinterlands5 months ago


Hello there.

Welcome to my Rebellion Starter Monsters review. I have gone over the starter summoners in my previous posts, so this time I will now go through the starter monsters. I will be looking at the cards on whether they have good value at Bronze levels to help newer players get started.

In this post, I will be discussing the Fire Rebellion starter monsters. I will try to look at their use individually, what summoners they can be good with, and what common teams they fit in. I'll also give an overall review at the end.

Let's get to it.

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The first monster is Gobalano Soldier. It is a common monster with Sneak and Ambush abilities. It gets +1 Speed and HP at level 3. Stats wise, the attack feels a bit lacking, but the Speed is really nice. The most common summoner this is good with is Tarsa. The added Attack and HP really helps, and works well with Ambush. This is a staple in the Tarsa Sneak teams that is one of the meta teams right now. Together with Tenyii Striker and Uraeus, they are able to make quick work of the backline for low mana. Overall, I think this is a must have card even at level 1. The level 3 is nice to have, but since the attack did not increase, I think level 1 is sufficient. You won't be putting it at the last position anyways.


The next monster is Nimbledook Scout. It is a common monster with a Backfire ability. It gets +1 Speed and HP at level 3. Stats wise, I think it is a very good cheap tank, especially if there are no magic attacks allowed. The high speed makes it very good against regular Fire monsters, and the Backfire can provide some damage. To take advantage of its stats, I think it will work very well with Jacek or Skargore. 7 Speed at Bronze is already very high, and it should be able to evade a lot of physical attacks. As for teammates, Weapons Training monsters are the best. Ferexian Hero if you want to put it in the front, Dalthin Ironhood, if you want it at the back, and it can serve as a Sneak tank as well. Moxian Rebel is also an option, but if Magic is available, this card is easier to kill. Overall, I think this is a nice to have card, and not a must own. It has its own niche where it is good at, but with the current meta, it is better to be offensive, than defensive.


The next monster is Kha'Zi Fire Mage. It is a common monster with Scattershot and Dodge abilities. It gets +1 Speed and Armor at level 3. Stats wise, I think it is average, but the Dodge ability makes it slightly better. Because of the Dodge, I think it works best with Jacek to increase the chances of evasion. I don't think it works better with any team, but it is something that can be slotted in to take advantage of the Dodge. Maybe as a Sneak/Snipe/Opportunity bait. Outside of Jacek, I think the Scattershot hurts it because you can't focus the damage. Although, it might be useful against the Taunt + Support meta that is popular now. Overall, I think I will pass on this card. I believe it is only good during the Blast ruleset. Having Dodge on a Magic monster means it can be useless against a magic team. It is just ok with the fire summoners, and its damage is too inconsistent.


The next monster is Chaos Orc. It is a common monster with the Pierce ability. It gets +1 attack and HP at level 3. Stats wise, I think it is above average, especially after getting that +1 attack, and it can deal 2 damage to Shield abilities. It has good stat values all around for 6 mana. Tarsa can make the Pierce stronger, while Skargore works well with both the speed and attack. As for teammates, it can work well with Radiated Brute to go front to back. Flank monsters like Torch Myrmidon, Infernal Firestorm, and Ulundin Overseer are also options, and can keep it safe and attacking in the second position. Overall, I think it is a nice to have card, but only at level 3. Even though it has good stats, the current meta of Weapons Training can easily go through it. Tusk the Wide is almost always the usual front line tank for fire right now.


The next monster is Torch Myrmidon. It is a rare monster with Flank and Close Range abilities. It gets +1 Range attack at level 2. Stats wise, I think it is a bit average. It is better than Molten Ash Golem, but slightly weaker than Lava Launcher. Because of its high speed, it works best with Jacek. As for teammates, that is where it shines because of the Flank ability. Regular melee monsters without Reach immediately work with it. Grum and Forgotten One are no brainers. Chaos Orc is also an option. The good stats make it a good front tank, and the high speed is really good when there are no magic attacks. Overall, it is a very good and versatile card because of the Flank. I'm not going to say it is a must own, because it only enables new strategies, and needs other cards to be great. But if you're going to use it, getting a level 2 is always better, since it can deal damage to Shield monsters.


The next monster is Torch Vizier. It is a rare monster with Opportunity. It gets +1 attack at level 2. Stats wise, I think it is above average. At 5 mana, it has 3 attack, 4 speed, and Opportunity. It can kill a backline monster immediately, and before it can do anything most of the time. This is another staple in the current Fire meta with Tarsa. This is played together with the other Sneak monsters, or with other Opportunity monsters like Mordeus and Mad Ogre Anarchist, and they can quickly slaughter the backline. Overall, I think it is a must own card for the current Fire meta. The level 1 is already plenty strong, but the level 2 with 3 attack takes it over the top.


The next monster is Muspelheim Demon. It is a rare monster with Scattershot and True Strike. It gets the True Strike ability at level 2. Stats wise, I think it is below average. I can't help but compare it to the Blood Maker which is a very similar card that has +2 speed instead of the True Strike. There are arguments for both, with True Strike not missing, but the higher speed wins out in a mirror. I don't think it works particularly well with any summoner, and is just a mediocre slot in most of the time. Overall, I think I will pass on this card, since I don't think it is very good. The only time I can see it being used is against a very fast team, or an Agor + Support team, and it is able to take its time attacking the backline.


Personally, for my strategies, I think Gobalano and Torch Vizier easily makes the cut. I can see myself trying Torch Myrmidon as an interesting option that can open strategies for my Grum. Nimbledook Scout can be a cheap option to activate my Ferexian Hero, especially in good melee rulesets like Melee Mayhem and Super Sneak. It is very niche though, so I might not put it as a priority.

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That is it for my Rebellion starter monsters review - Fire. I plan on doing it for all elements, and Water will be my next topic. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

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