Documenting my Splinterlands Knowledge - Rebellion Starter Monsters - Life

in Splinterlands4 months ago


Hello there.

Welcome to part 4 of my Rebellion Starter Monsters review. I have gone over the starter cards for Fire, Water, and Earth monsters, so this time I will now go through the Life starter monsters. I will be looking at the cards on whether they have good value at Bronze levels to help newer players get started. I will try to look at their use individually, what summoners they can be good with, and what common teams they fit in. I'll also give an overall review at the end.

I initially thought that because of the way the Airdrop Conflicts work, the prices of the Common and Rare Rebellion cards will go down. They have stayed above 0.06 USD, and people have been buying them as soon as they go lower than 0.065 USD. I think players are combining them, and either renting them out, or selling them. So for now, I'll just monitor the card prices and adjusting my strategy to the meta.

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The first monster is Aria Bandit. It has Snipe and Dodge, and gets +1 Speed and HP at level 3. This card is just a slower version of Mar Torren Seeker, but it is still fast for a Bronze level card. Being Ranged, it can work well with Sloan, and its speed and Dodge also work well with Ilthain. It can be a good Opportunity/Snipe/Sneak tank, and it can be easy to plug in a lot of teams because of it. Unfortunately, overall, I think it is just a nice to have card. I usually prefer damage over survivability, and Snipe can split the damage which can be bad.


The next monster is Albahoo Forester. It has the Return Fire ability, and it gets +2 HP at level 3. For a 2 cost monster, it has a good amount of HP, and even has an Armor. Because of the 1 speed, I can see this being strong in Reverse Speed rulesets. Having no attack, it works well with the popular strategy of Zyriel/Weapons Training teams. Aves is another WT monster that this is good with. Overall, this is another nice to have card. Life already has Pelacor Conjurer at 2 mana to serve as a cheap tank. The Return Fire becomes redundant with Ilthain, and the 1 Speed makes it hard to use as a tank.


The next monster is Skyspire Yak. It has the Armored Strike ability, and it gets +1 Speed and HP at level 3. This monster is a headscratcher for me. I don't know why it was put in Life. Apart from Arkemis, Silverblade Fighter [in higher levels], and Runeseer Sevaya, there are no monsters that can increase this card's armor. Rathe and Franz can as summoners, but that is only +1. Because of the ability, it can be good with Adelade, or Scavo Hireling, but I don't really think it's worth it. Overall, I think this card is a skip for Bronze level play. You will only get this if you are playing in Rebellion only tournaments.


The next monster is Meriput Magician. It has the Tank Heal ability, and it gets +1 Speed and HP at level 3. I value Healing abilities highly, and this one is no different. For a common card, it actually has good stats. It can evade a good amount of attacks, and the high HP means it won't be easily bursted down. What makes this even better is how it works very well with Iziar. In Magic only rulesets, just the combo of this with Iziar can win a lot of games. In no melee rulesets, if you include those two with Ilthain, then both attack types are covered. Combining this with Venari Crystalsmith can make the front tank very hard to kill, and can be broken in Equalizer rulesets. Overall, I think this card is a must have, even at just level 1. It is so versatile, and can be used with a lot of teams.



The first Rare monster is Anachron Bolter. It has the Headwinds ability, and gets +1 HP at level 2. I have no idea why Life has a habit of countering itself; Ilthain, War Pegasus, and now Bolter. The Headwinds will be effective against the strong Range monsters, as well as Sloan. The double attack type gives it an advantage on both Wands Out and Going the Distance rulesets. It can easily slot in with the Ilthain, Iziar teams, and can give Iziar more survivability. Overall, this card is a must have just from the double attack type. The ability is just the cherry on top.


The next monster is Thanalorian Archer. It has the Lookout ability, and it gets +1 Speed at level 2. Just because of the Lookout alone, I think this card is a must have. In Bronze, there are only 4 monsters with the Lookout ability. 1 Common [Earth], 1 Rare [Life], 1 Epic [Earth], and 1 Legendary [Death]. From a starter card perspective, this is only 1 of 2 available to newer players. The Lookout will be very useful in Equal Opportunity, Target Practice, Super Sneak rulesets, and against Katie. This can also be another card to make Iziar survive longer.


The next monster is Silverblade Fighter. It has the Flank ability, and gets +1 HP AND the Void Armor ability at level 2. The 1 attack feels a bit lacking, but the Flank and Void Armor are huge. It doesn't need Rathe at level 2, and can be good with Ilthain. The Flank enables the use of Jared Scar safely, which is vulnerable in Bronze. It also works well with Bera Dallin, and Mantaroth if you have them. Overall, I think this card is a must have if you have the strategy for it, but only a nice to have if not.


The last card is Ulundin Regulator. It has Opportunity and True Strike, and gets +1 HP on level 2. The 1 Speed is a bit sad, but the True Strike makes up for it. This card makes the Sneak/Opportunity team of Life more viable. While I don't think it can rival Fire's because of Tarsa, it can still make short work of the backline. That is why it works well with Celestial Harpy, Stitch Leech, Uraeus, and Dumacke Exile. Depending on your strategy, this card can be a nice to have or a must have. I don't use the Sneak/Opportunity teams because of War Pegasus, but that strategy is strong in lower mana battles.


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That is it for my Rebellion starter monsters review - Life. I plan on doing it for all elements, and Death will be my next topic. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and if you have suggestions for improvement.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

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I like Skyspire Yak, he has an ability I didn't know about

Rebellion introduced 5 new abilities. Armored Strike, Corrosive Ward, Flank, Lookout, and Ambush. I think Skyspire Yak is usable with Flank. Armor Strike is definitely strong especially if you can increase and repair their armor.

Cool article you presented in the Splinterlands community
Your presentation of the Rebellion Starter Monster Review
Good Weekend to you
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!1UP Good work!


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