Hive Gaming Community Curation Project - 17/05/2024

in Hive Gaming16 days ago
Authored by @pravesh0

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Hive Gaming Curation Report

Welcome to another installment of Hive Gaming Curation.

With these reports we provide transparency of the curated content in collaboration with @ocd and at the same time highlight the content we liked the most in our community. The rewards are used for the curators, moderators, and various other activities related to the Hive Gaming Community.

@bethyjade shared some of the most iconic villians and bosses from video games. Some of the horror games have very terrifying ones and you can read the post to find out which she thinks are the worst ones from her experience. Mine is the Chainsaw man from Resident evil 4.

@davot shared their experience and gains from the recent @dcrops event. They earned approximately 70 Hive worth of assets including some rare crops. You can see the list of items they got as a result of this event.

Shadow Fight 3 has become a popular game in the community and @nurrelkelv shared their experience battling in the game. It looks good for a mobile game and has fluid animations. Also, @ayamihaya is playing and winning some good battles in the game.

@rosmiapure shared the progress on her Minetest journey and how she took the revenge from the Pillagers by burning down the pillager tower! What a cool way to take revenge. Check this post and all of the rest too.

At Hive Gaming, we strive to highlight the best gaming content on the Hive Blockchain. We have scoured the community to find some posts that truly stand out in quality and engagement.

Engagement within the gaming community will only make our community stronger. So be sure to take some time each day and visit posts of others.

Be sure to join the Hive Gaming Community Discord and subscribe to the @hivegc account to stay up to date with all things gaming on Hive. Thank you for being a part of the greatest blockchain and for all of your contributions.

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