The story Of Ladybug.

in Liketu15 days ago (edited)




Beliefs of the "Ladybug" It's a lucky insect. Going back to the Middle Ages of Europe At that time there were pests that destroyed the crops in the fields. The farmers were at their wits' end and prayed to God for help. The poor farmer answered his prayers and sent many little ladybugs to destroy the pests. This allows the crops to be kept safe. The farmers therefore dubbed this insect "Ladybug", which comes from the word "Our lady" or our mother.For this reason, the word Lady was combined with Bug, which refers to a hard-winged insect called a ladybug.


These photos I took while walking along a hill and saw a ladybug sitting on a leaf. It was cute so I took out my camera and took pictures. This ladybug has an orange color contrasting with black and looks similar to other ladybugs. As I took the photo, this ladybug didn't leave and remained on the tree for me to photograph.


  • Photography : @miingjazz
  • Camera : Iphone14 Promax


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