HivePakistan Curation Compilation #147


Hey everyone! We hope you are having a great day. This will be our #147 episode of Hive Pakistan Daily Picks.

As part of our commitment to the Hive community, we present our daily curation compilation, a showcase of exceptional content from our talented userbase. This compilation serves as a living example of the creativity, dedication, and diversity within and outside of the Hive Pakistan community.

Our Picks:

By: @rem-steem
Treasures by the Sea: Discovering the Vibrant Jewelry Markets.
Curated By: @djbravo

Posted In: Lifestyle
Last month, I had the pleasure of spending a fun filled Friday exploring the beach jewelry markets of Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Known for its stunning coastline, Cox's Bazar is more than just a picturesque beach destination. It also boasts lively markets that are a paradise for jewelry enthusiasts. My visit to Sugondha Beach Market and Laboni Beach Market was a highlight of my trip, and it still feels like a dream. Let me show you. Sugondha Beach Market and Laboni Beach Market, though similar, each offer a unique and vibrant shopping experience ...

By: @romeskie
Learning Atim Cu Pung Singsing
Curated By: @djbravo

Posted In: Home Edders
Homeschooling isn't always cupcakes and rainbows. It isn't all smiles and good times. There are days when it is a little bit more extra challenging. Not just for the parent, but for the kid as well. Today is one of those days when the drive is there but the distractions and difficulties are trying the little learner's patience. Our Fridays have always been a feee day for us ...

By: @apineda
Envejecer de Forma Satisfactoria: Aceptación, gestión y combate de la soledad
Curated By: @gwajnberg

Posted In: Holos&Lotus
Para nadie es un secreto que envejecer es una parte natural de la vida, aunque cuando tenemos 20 o 30 años solemos hacer caso omiso a esto, pero envejecer de manera satisfactoria nos implica adoptar una serie de acciones y actitudes que nos permitan mantenernos activos y, a la vez, seguir contribuyendo a la comunidad donde nos desarrollemos. Evidentemente, en esta etapa, es esencial que los adultos mayores acepten y gestionen los cambios de una manera positiva, que valoren adecuadamente esta fase de su vida (que en algún momento también estaremos en esa fase). Quiero participar en el la iniciativa que el amigo @emiliorios, para proponer algunas maneras de cómo lograr evitar la soledad en esta etapa inevitable de todo ser humano. Empecemos por lo primero, que es aceptar para luego gestionar ese proceso de envejecimiento Entonces, aceptar el envejecimiento no significa resignarse a una vida menos activa o significativa, nada más lejos de eso. Por el contrario, es una oportunidad para uno poder aprovechar la sabiduría acumulada a lo largo de los años. Si con 30 años cambia nuestra visión radicalmente a como veíamos a los 20, imagínense lo que ocurre cuando llegamos a los, 50, 60 años o más allá ...

By: @bemier
My Best Childhood Memory / En İyi Çocukluk Anım (Eng-Tr)
Curated By: @tahastories1

Posted In: Indiaunited
English Türkçe bölüm için lütfen buraya tıklayın. Hello, everyone! I hope you are well or are trying to be well. I know I'm a bit late for this contest, but that's life. At 7.29 am, I took two cups of coffee from my mug and immediately sat down at the keyboard. I love the community's competition topics, and this keeps me writing ...

By: @djbravo
New day New Experience [ Latest Tour of Chaman Zar Askari Park Multan ]
Curated By: @itwithsm

Posted In: Pinmapple
Hi Pinmapple community. Hopefully all of you are fine. If it is said that this place is the most beautiful place in our city, then it will not be wrong because this place is built inside the army area and the army people have built this beautiful place. It is somehow maintained till date and well taken care of, its stuff is changed daily and whenever we visit here after some time there are many special and new things here are added, Due to which every time we get a new experience, that's why all the people living here like to visit this place, which is a short journey from our house, about half an hour but it is considered as the best picnic point because here we also get boating experience and here we get all the swings which we remember in our childhood and still remember our childhood there, so going here also reminds us of our childhood. All the memories come back. This water system you see above has fish in it and we used to feed them here as children ...

Please consider visiting and supporting these posts if you like them.


Key Features Of Hive Pakistan

HivePakistan Exclusive: While we curate content from all over Hive, the #HivePakistan tag helps us monitor and discover Pakistani creators. If you're not from Pakistan, kindly refrain from using this tag, as our curators will organically curate your content even without the tag. Misuse of the tag may result in a missed curation opportunity.

Support: Have questions or doubts related to Hive? We've got you covered! Pose your queries in HivePakistan Discord's #pak-help channel, where assistance is provided in both Urdu and English. We hope this opportunity to clarify your doubts in the local language will be beneficial to many.

Become a Curator: Dedicated Pakistani Hivers can apply to become a curator and get access to curate at least twice a day using @hivepakistan account as long as curations are organic. Join us in recognizing and rewarding quality content!

Discord Giveaways: Join HivePakistan Discord to win Daily Giveaways!

Practices To Avoid: Always powering down, being active on steemit, and recycling old content may result in getting less or no support.

Community Support: We also support initiatives like NeoxianPrompts, and Earn, Spend, Give and more. If you're a community mod, contact us for collaborative support.

HivePakistan Supporter Badge: By your generous delegation of 500 hp or more to @hivepakistan, you can get our Supporter Badge. You can also check out HivePakistan supporters HERE.


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