in Hive Learners16 days ago

I've always enjoyed special TV shows as a child, but after some time, I just couldn't get the opportunity to keep watching those shows because we moved a lot due to some family challenges. I was so fond of watching movies back then, especially movies from which I could learn something inspiring or interesting. I was never just after fun when it came to movies, and that was one reason why I was never selective about the kind of movies I watched - be it Nollywood, Bollywood, Hollywood, or others - as long as there was something valuable to learn, I didn't mind at all.

Due to the fact that I always liked watching movies based on the fact that I wanted them to impact me somehow, I could easily get attached or detached from a movie.

So far, so good, I've been privileged to see quite a lot of movies from which I've learned a thing or two, and I can recommend quite a lot of them. But it's too sad that most people have too many silly limitations when it comes to the movies they watch, but then I hope I get to share this particular movie with someone who would indeed take their time to check it out and thank me later, hehe. I'm not so good at making movie reviews, and I always try as much as I can to avoid it, but it's always interesting and daring when I get to see prompts like that, which help me give it a try.

Movies have different purposes for different people, and sometimes we only want to focus more on the entertainment part, but then there are a lot of movies out there that are channelled in a way that helps us learn something unique about life, and this particular movie is one of them. In fact, one of my favourite quotes is from this movie, which says, "Success is not a destination, as so many think; it is a journey."

So, without further ado, let's dive into the movie that always steals the show for me! Trust me, you don't have to enjoy my write-up to check out this movie because I'm not so good at making movie reviews; just go and check it out and be proud that you did. This movie is titled MAHARSHI, an Indian movie that tells the story of a man named Rishi. In the movie, though not a true life story, it tells of the importance of friendship, love, and sacrifice.

Rishi, due to his humble background, was so determined to make it really big in life, as he was so irritated by the life his father lived. He was so dedicated and determined to his course of being the most successful person of his time, and that made him sacrifice so much. He was so sure that he would succeed, and his determination made so many people amazed. Most of them never believed he would make it, only his friend, who happened to be his roommate and also one of his lecturers in school, knew what he was capable of, and they supported him all the way.

After school, he submitted his proposal to different companies, but some companies tried to buy off his proposal because they thought, since he was poor, he would accept the offer immediately, but then he refused. I can remember the shock on their faces as Rishi gave them a deal instead. Too bad they rejected it, and that made Rishi even more determined. He had so many people he needed to prove wrong, and he was willing to sacrifice so many things just to meet his goal. At some point, he was framed, and unknowingly to him, his friend Ravi took the fall for him.

In the end, he became really successful, but then he lost some good people along the way that he needed to reconcile with, but that was the challenge he had to face. He later got to find out the sacrifice his friend Ravi suffered for him to get to where he was, and he had to go look for him to give him a good life, but then his friend wanted something else, and he had to do everything in his power to give that particular thing to his friend. In all his pursuit of success, what kept him going was the fear of failing.

This movie is one that would teach you how to keep striving even when it gets harder and also the importance of building the right relationships. I have seen this movie more than three times now, and I still don't mind watching it again because it's possible that I might have missed a lesson or two from it. Well, below is the trailer from YouTube; do check it out and also do well to check out the full movie to benefit well from it.

This is my response to the HiveLearners topic on "FROM SCREEN TO LIFE".

The images used are screenshots from the movie

 15 days ago  

So you also watch Bollywood movies. I watched the movie also and it was an amazing movie. Indeed this movie gives us some lessons about life.
You are right that most of us only focus on the entertaining part of a movie and we miss many messages of a movie. I think we can't blame anyone for it also because people watch movies for entertainment and everyone doesn't have a serious mentality to think about a movie.

 15 days ago  

Yeah movies are there to entertain us primarily so it’s fine to see it for that reason but it’s good to check out movies that also make us think too 😁.

And yes! I love Bollywood movies because there is always something to learn from it kinda.

Thank you for stopping by 🥰

 15 days ago  

Not really a fan of Bollywood bu the story line seems interesting an I’d love to check it out, thanks for sharing

 15 days ago  

Yeah, I prefer their full movies to seasonal too. You should check it out you’d love it ☺️.

 15 days ago  

I will when I have the time, where can I download it from?

 15 days ago  

I didn’t download it back then, I sent it from someone. Maybe you can just stream it online from YouTube or Netflix if it’s there

 15 days ago  

Oh okay

 15 days ago  

Yeah 🤗

 15 days ago  

One thing common among most successful people is they have a circle of friends or people that will be support their goals. One of the greatest relationship that has upgraded people from nothing to something is friendship. I'm just glad he was able to recognise the sacrifices his friend made so that he could be successful. But the bitter truth is the road to building a successful career is lonely.

 15 days ago  

Yeah friendship is important but then it’s still going to become lonely really lonely at some point. Thank you so much for stopping by 🥰

 15 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

I always believe that nothing can stop or limit your success except yourself, with determination you can do anything.
Thank you for this beautiful movie review.

 15 days ago  

That’s right, we need to be determined ourselves to succeed.

It’s a pleasure sharing this with you dear 🥰


 14 days ago  


 15 days ago  

I love a good film that has a good message to convey to the viewer. I liked your post. Thanks for sharing

Since hope recommended this movie, who's Tory not to watch😩😩

For you girl, i would do anything😌❤

 15 days ago  

Aww, I’m glad it’s a good movie 🥹😂

I watch any kind of movie as long as it is interesting. It's been long since I watched India movie and that's because I don't just want to watch anyhow movie,MAHARSHI sounds interesting, I will definitely check it out....

 13 days ago  

I’m glad you might check this out, I’m very sure it would be worthwhile 💃🥰.

Thank you so much for stopping by 🥰

The movie must really be interesting.

I'll see if I can search it out on YouTube. Thank you for sharing.


 12 days ago  

You will love it trust me 🥰🤗.