I will Do What's Best For My Child, not only for this world but for their afterlife.

in Hive Learners24 days ago

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is A Changed Child

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This is a sensitive topic, but I will write what will come to my mind while writing this post. I was born and raised in a Muslim family and Islam is my religion, I can die but can't change my religion as I know my religion is a true religion.

We Pray five times a day, it is to realize that, ALLAH is our creature and there is no one like him. It is our belief that in this world life is short and after dying we will wake up again, and then it will be decided by ALLAH, Whether we will go to heaven or hell on the basis of the deeds we are doing in this world.

If we do good deeds and live life according to the teaching of Our Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH), we will be rewarded with heaven and we will live in it forever, and if we do bad deeds and don't live our life according to the teaching of Prophet MUHAMMAD ( PBUH), we will be punished and will be sent to hell and will remain there.

Now if it comes to my child, I will not let him change his religion at any cost.

But when it comes to living in any other country or any other culture, I don't have any problem, we can move to some other country, and we can live with people of other religions, but we will only follow our religion.

we will follow the rules, regulations and boundaries set by our religion.

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there are a lot of misconceptions spread against Islam, but in fact, it is the religion of peace, if you have studied it properly, you will never think like the propaganda run by Western media.

There is a war going on against ISLAM, if you want to know more about ISLAM, read QURAN, and read the Hadidth books like Sahi Muslim, and Sahi Bukhari, your eyes will be opened and you will never say anything against Islam. In fact, there is a chance you might accept ISLAM.

I have seen people most hated person to convert/revert to Islam. Heard about church pops getting converted to Islam, there are cases. There will be other cases as well of people leaving ISLAM as well.

Islam is also the Fastest Growing Religion in this world,

So when it comes to my child, I can compromise on anything, but I will not compromise on religion.

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 24 days ago  

This is a well drafted piece of work. For a child to be complete, training in love while teaching the tenets of the family like education, morality, religion and all such ideas come to play.
A child who is well tutored will not be easily swayed.
Well written

 24 days ago  

Thanks, i am glad you like my writing. we need to put moral values in our child from the start and they will grow with time bigger.

 24 days ago  

Well said.

 24 days ago  

The family, especially parents, have a great responsibility at the beginning of their children's journey in this life, instilling values ​​as human beings that they must always keep in mind, but then they have to walk their own path and parents must serve as support.

 24 days ago  

I agree with what you've said, it's okay for your child to have a different tradition but certainly not another religion.
Your religion is what truly makes you who you are in your society and it comprises of your life after death therefore, it shouldn't be joked with.

 24 days ago  

Thanks i am glad you are agree with me :)

 24 days ago  

 24 days ago  

Thank you brother.

 24 days ago  

We share the same point of view and I don't discriminate any religion as long as we worship one true God who sits in heaven.

When we train our children properly, we really don't need to be scared about them changing to something negative.

 24 days ago  

yes, we are role models for our children, they grow up seeing us. We need to be true example for them.

 24 days ago  

Exactly, as Muslim parents, we may give our children freedom in other matters like marriage or education, but we don't compromise on religious matters.

 24 days ago  

yes, you are right, marrying choice of their girl or boy is their right, Islam has given them this.