Hope springs eternal.


Each day come 5 o’clock, as if forgetting the many disheartening days that had gone before, the two kids set out hand in hand for the bus stop to meet their mother from work.
There they wait, a little hope fading with each bus that stops to disgorge its passengers. "I wish a 23 would come and mammy would be on it" they sing over and over to the air of ‘The Three Stooges” as if this magic mantra could somehow summon forth their parent. And only when darkness falls and the aches in their bellies can no longer be quieted, they trundle home to gorge themselves on bread and sugar, certain to be fast asleep by the time their inebriated mother staggers noisily through the door, to snatch them back from the wonderland to which merciful slumber has delivered them.
Posted in response to @mariannewest's five-minute freewrite
The prompt is ALCOHOLIC
The image is my own


Wow!! This is so vivid, so visceral, all too believable, and authentic.
Your word choices are all spot-on.
Those brave kids, those stalwart and strong little ones. I want to hug them and feed them.
Powerful stuff. Bravo! Well done!

Isn't it swell to have her back with us? Lots of good stuff coming out of freewriters right now. So cool.

Wow! What a lovely encouraging comment. You can definitely stop by again:)

Alcohol has ruined many a life and your story painted a vivid picture.

That it has. Wouldn't you imagine that in the 21st century, we'd've developed some less lethal brew as society's drug of choice?

The demon drink isn't that what they say 😈

Great writing as usual, as a reader I really feel for the little ones. I'd love to see more of these free writes from you. You've a real talent for them 👌

Thanks very much and I'll do my very best...Sir:)

Such romantic way of writing.

Very hopeful image of the children waiting for their mother.

I like the way you use symbology.

!gif special

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Why did the coffee go to the police?
Because it was mugged.

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Thank you kindly m'dear. I appreciate the comment.

My pleasure!

I’m not sure you could pick a prospective that paints a better image of alcoholism, than the perspective of kids suffering under it!

I enjoyed the reality here, even if it’s a hard one! Thank you for sharing 😁

Thanks for the positive commnet. When I hear the word alcohol I reach for my sword..If I wasn't a free will absolutist I'd like to see it banned.

Ack, the truth of this is so real. Nice work weaving prompt magic.
Sending !Luv and a Happy New Year ☺️.

Thank you very kindly m'dear and the happiest of new years to you too.

Aaiiieeee! Woman you sure know how to write a five minute freewrite! Love this!!! Yum yum yum

Thank you kindly but I think you have the 'queen of freewrites' title all sewn up:)

lol, nuh unh!
This story of yours is killer good.