Whoever Controls The Press...

in LeoFinance20 days ago

Have you ever read a book that was so unattractive that you kept on reading it just because you want to convince yourself that every damn page is as unattractive as the very first? Well, I am pretty much in this situation with the current book I am reading. It's called "Why Nations Fail..." and it's 400 pages long.

I managed to go through a bit over 200 pages and I still got left about the same number. I am stubbornly continuing although I am 100% aware that I don't have much to learn from it. It's just mind entertainment.

It is said in this book however that during the Ottoman empire times the Turks were some of the most uneducated in the world with only about 20% of the population knowing how to read and write. Even when some dude invented a press that would mass product books they only allowed certain ones to br printed that would serve the Islam.


The whole narrative around the book is revolving is somehow praising centralization the way I see it. Which is totally wrong imo as I am an ardent advocate of decentralization. Fast forward to 2024 and we have pretty much the same system going on with the so called free press.

It is well known that we no longer have free journalism in our world and by the time AI will get so smart and efficient in manouvring data on the internet the things will only get worse.

Twitter is one of its kind in this regard since Elon took over it and Hive is definitely an oasis that very few know about but if you look at mainstream media and social medias you will realize that we got to listen the music the elites want us to listen to, we have more and more gay people around the world because this shit was encouraged, we have shitty humor, shitty fashion and insanely posionous junk food just because "the press"(pun intended) typed it all for us.

Take TikTok for example. The algorithms in China are way differenbt than they are in the US and Europe. While in China is more oriented towards teaching people all sorts of productive shit in the West it is rather dumbing us down instead of waking us the fuck up.

If you doubt that there is an elite behind the official powers that may look like leading the game in the world just ask yourself how the hell are these powers so against each other while being so collaborative about Antarctica. Why is nobody fighting over that?

There's something fishy about their consensus in regards to Antarctica, don't you think?

Anyway, once realized the fact that "the press" dictates what the next crisis should be about and how we should think, talk, eat and dress, one should also be aware that without decentralized social media we will never be able to escape the chains. Everything is flawed, from mass media, to social media and politics. The freedom of choice is an illusion, unless we decentralize everything.

Thanks for your attention,


yes, everything stands or falls with the human individual's courage and willingness to trust himself more than to delegate authority to a third (centralized) party voluntarily.

i see no other way of overcoming the press institutions of this world which are little more than advertisements for the old broken system that is falling apart before our eyes. it is up to every single one of us to see we have been lied to by those institutions that flatter themselves with the aleged "mission to educate the public in a neutral way". they don't. and it's becoming more and more apparent.


Couldn’t agree more with you.