My journey to top 100 by HP to help spread Hive far and wide

in LeoFinance9 months ago (edited)

We tend do think of philosophy as something we consume, right? we read it, or listen to someone talk about it. But in reality, it's much more like a conversation. By writing about it, and debating it, we develop ideas and habits. We get better at it.

Today I'd like to talk about self-discipline and how I intend to use it to achieve my goal of obtaining 200,000 HP and what I plan to do with it.


You might have heard or read about stoic philosophers such as Seneca and Epictetus of ancient Greece.


The stoics believed that one could achieve a "good life" through the discipline of practicing things such as courage and temperance every day.

Stoicism was a school of thought that was embraced by the likes of emperor Marcus Aurelius of Rome and practiced for centuries by leaders and thinkers such as Ryan Holiday of Daily stoic.

self-discipline is about the promises you make to yourself

I've made a few over the years

  • I quit smoking 8 years ago
  • I quit drinking soda
  • I save money every single month (mostly in the form of $BTC)

Why? because I know those actions will have huge benefits down the line.

I've heard from writers that writing a book is a grueling experience. Finishing a book is fun, but the process requires an immense amount of discipline.

As it turns out, discipline is a lot like a muscle.

By doing what you say and cultivating the habit of doing hard or uncomfortable things because they will reward you later, you are strengthening this muscle.

I've made this promise to myself (and sharing it with you) because I believe we will all get something out of it.

I'm not saying I'm going to write a long blog post every single day. I admire those that do, but It's not what I'm committing to.

I'm going to build my Hive power to 200,000 HP and I hope to achieve that goal by January 2023.

What I get out of it

I get to keep my stuff

By committing my thoughts and creations to the blockchain I get to own what I write and know it will be on the Hive blockchain forever. I've already had my content deleted from YouTube. The same can happen on any of the other social media platforms that don't earn me a brass farthing.

I get another stream of income

Here, I can earn $HIVE and $LEO when I write or create videos and when I put my mind to it, I earn about 8% APR from curating content I find valuable to me or to the community. Add 3.08% for just having Hive Power to begin with and that's around 11% APR just from voting on valuable content on the blockchain.

I believe that the price of $HIVE will go well beyond $1. and if I'm able to earn 200,000 HIVE by the year 2030

and HIVE reaches $1, I'll be earning around $1,800 just from the work I've done within the Hive ecosystem.

Not bad right?

What the network gets out of it

The Hive family has a committed member. I like to think that I help spread HIVE far and wide by supporting - what I consider to be - high-value, open-source DHF proposals, I also upvote good quality content from other committed hiveans and I downvote and expose self-voting and plagiarism. I share the little knowledge I have with others and promote the HIVE dapps with engaging content. I onboard new members to our ecosystem through live sessions on the HIVE Stage with my project @recording-box, a recording studio that accepts both $HIVE and $HBD as a form of payment.

See you in the top 100 Hiveans by HP list.

image credits

  • cover image created using Mid Journey
  • "My 8 year Jive" image created by me using Canva
  • Image of Seneca is from Wikipedia

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Good luck reaching those goals! You seem to have everything it takes to get there :) Good that you have other sources to cover your real life expenses. I was super close to becoming an orca here organically, two times actually... But then real life got in the way both times :(

@tipu curate 2

Thanks fren! Yeah, I've been on track for my first year of using this system... just 7 more to go :) The daily, weekly and monthly milestones are very realistic and based on what I'm currently obtaining from posts, curation and also purchases; I didn't just make them up.

I see you're still top 500 though 🙌, you've got a healthy reputation score and a large following. You'll get there in no time.

Yeah, I know, you have some solid and realistic plans here :)

Well, I did some math too and if I didn´t withdraw anything, I would already be way over 100k Hive earned organically here just by posting, curating and engaging with the community. But for the most part of those six years that I have been here on the chain, I was trying to do this thing full time with no other sources of income. So you have to cash out something, sometimes. And unfortunately, I haven´t been lucky with the timing at all. Always have to sell Hive when the price is low, even these days. Just sold 3k Hive today actually. It hurts. It always hurts but that´s the price I have to pay for the decision to go fulltime Hiving back in 2017... So no, with all these "forced withdrawals", I will not get there anytime soon :/

if I didn´t withdraw anything, I would already be way over 100k Hive earned organically here just by posting, curating and engaging with the community

Holy smokes! That's a lot! You've been grinding my friend. Very admirable. I guess my position is a bit different as I'm nowhere near being able to do this full time. I post when I can and I do try to curate every day.

It does sting to have to sell HIVE under $0.30 man, sorry for that.

You are definitely in a better position than me as far as reaching some impressive HP milestones is concerned and I wish you the best of luck on your epic journey towards becoming a Hive whale :) Have a nice day my friend, greetings from Prague!

Well suppose I write up a post and make half of what I need to make daily to achieve that goal. If you fail to meet the criteria you can always push a few dollars into Hive you know calculate on a weekly basis...

Let's say you need to make 140 usd a week and you only made 100... Adding an extra 40 into it probably won't kill anyone 😂

It's going to be hard but I think the key to this is consistency, consistency can cut through anything.


I have a system for that. I obtain HIVE from four sources: posts, curation, open market and 3.08% from having Hive powered up.

At this moment, a large part of my Hive Power comes from purchasing HIVE on the open market. I As time goes by, more will come from posts + curation and less will come from open market purchases. I believe that HIVE will be prices at over $1 in the future and buying $3000 a month worth of HIVE will be way out of my budget.

Hive BHAG income sources2.png

Damn you got this figured out hey! You should do monthly updates.... I'm doing the last power down now and then I'm canceling it... I have to slowly get back what I sold though.... And fast because it's not going to stay in the low waters forever hey!

Yeah, gotta have a system. I do updates about every month. I call it

My 8 year jive to 200k Hive

Glad to hear you're stopping the power downs. This is the the time to load up on as much Hive as you can get. It might not be this easy in the future.

Vision is powerful

Thanks fren!

I've developed a system to keep me on track. It would be awesome to be able to get some analytics from the blockchain data, but I don't have the technical skills. I'm using a low-tech spreadsheet in the meantime.

Spreadsheets are more than enough

Dude, that's awesome! I've read the comments and it's great that you're planning everything this way, I hope you reach all your goals, which I'm sure you will as long as you're organized like this. I also crossed the 10000 HP threshold 15 days ago and I have a hard to reach goal by the end of the year. Let's see if I can do it.

Yep! been on this grind for a year already with no hiccups. I appreciate the words my friend. And congrats on passing 10,000 HP! I hope you didn't give yourself a super ambitious end-of-year goal. Pushing yourself to be consistent is one thing, but setting the bar so high that you don't reach it, might end up being uninspiring. Just saying.

Hey, by the way, I had the amazing opportunity of visiting Antalya, Türkiye this year. I wish I could have spent more time, but I was on business. Absolutely loved it :)

I just checked and I managed to move from 1312th to 1228th in the HP ranking in 18 days. I am sure I will move up even more when I power up my Hives soon. The target I set for myself was 17500 but it seems like it will be a miracle if I achieve it haha. I know I can get burnout syndrome when I push myself too hard so I will be careful.

Antalya is one of the most beautiful cities in Turkey my friend. I hope you will come back soon. Maybe I will be there when you come and we can meet, who knows?

Nice milestones, I should follow you as well as Top 100 HP holders. Such targets motivate me to the max.

Thanks fren! I've run the numbers for months before finally committing. With this model, I know I can stay on track because I've been on point for a year now. I just need to keep the pace and slowly acquire a larger audience. I'm not an influencer by any means, but I do believe that we should all develop the ability to create (and grow) our audience with the content we produce and the engagement we do. It's a necessary skill in today's day and age and more so in web 3.

This is an awesome goal! I have been following your posts for a long time and I have always been amazed by what you do. From highlighting topics that people need to know, helping artists and good causes, to even simply just taking care of your plants, painting your studio, or having fun, I saw how you are able to do them once you put your mind to it. Good luck on this new endeavor.

I saw some of your replies and it seems like you will be posting more. Sharing your every day activities isn't bad. You seem to be living a pretty exciting and fun life, so there's a lot of things to post. I have frequently stated that I am a firm believer of mass adoption for Hive and crypto as a whole. Bringing artists to hive will definitely be a big contribution.

Thank you for sharing the DJ set video! I spend a lot of time in front of my PC and it is the perfect background music. It's chill and easy to vibe to.

and it will surely do very well for you, because those of us who plan at Hive in the long term know that it may be possible for it to reach $3 or $4 and when that happens, the network will explode.

Meanwhile I continue to grow just like you. I only have about 500 hp, but I recently met my goal of reaching 300 hp (not including the delegation that I gave to Tipu to help me), and my next goal is to reach 500, this means that I must gain 150 HP, which for sure For you it's nonsense, but for me they are micro goals that I set for myself.

Keep working hard, even though I'm a minnow, one day I'll be a dolphin! and I work for it my friend.

Most of us started with 0 $HIVE. I encourage you to keep one foot in front of the other always and you'll reach your goals.

Yes, we started this adventure as zeroes hahahaha.

I fight every day, I interact with dozens of people and I make a lot of my life through discord. It is a complex task because there is often not enough time to answer so many people's questions and collaborate with so many hivers, but when you want, you can always achieve things.

Are you going to be present at the hivefest friend?

I was very much looking forward to attending Hive Fest this year, but I was unable to obtain a Mexican Visa in time.

ohh that's very sad, but I think there will be possibilities to connect with certain hivers live, directly from the hive fest, I would really like you to give a concert, or something similar.

If you haven't thought about it, I think it's an idea you should consider.

I really admire the fact that you are planing for the future. And this is what many of us make mistake at. We don't plan for the future. You might not be reaping the reward now but years to come, you will certainly and trust me when that time comes, it will be fun.

Yes sir!

Long-term Hivean here. I'll keep shouting it from the rooftops. I'm definitely focused on delaying the rewards because the value of everything we are building today will compound in the future.

I have read post from others explaining how far they've come on the hive Blockchain, but your own seems kinda unique.

Pointing out a different style like not writing content daily.

The main idea is, we should do whatever we feel is right, as long as we stay focus and keep it consistent.

200K Hive isn't a joke, this shows that you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve in the next few years.

2030 seems far, but jokingly, we would find ourselves looking at the calendar which says: 1st of January 2030.

Thanks for sharing.

I don't publish every day. I do plan and draft blog post or video ideas regularly and I definitely engage here every day through Leo Threads and Waves.

I update my spreadsheet every Sunday and it has 2671 rows. 2671 opportunities to grow my Hive Power :)

My journey to 200K HIVE spreadsheet.png

That's great. You labour differently but produce similar results as others ✅.

I am hoping fir the price of Hive to pump very much
I can't wait to be a millionaire in dollar

It will!

There is waaaay too much stuff being built on HIVE that the need for resource credits will increase with time. The main way to obtain resource credits is, of course, holding Hive Power. You'll see, $HIVE will be at a dollar when the bulls come back.