Building my own business on the Hive blockchain is the only way to put my ideology in the world

in LeoFinance2 months ago

On the Hive blockchain that are many businesses running and by looking at them I have my own comments on things that can be done better or even differently. But rather than complaining here and there or combating someone ways of doing things, I have realized that in order to put my ideology across in the world, I need to build and run my own business on the Hive blockchain. With this conclusion in mind, I need now to execute on that which is the biggest hurdle of them all. Ideas are crossing our minds on a daily basis, but picking the right one and implementing it is not as easy as to simply throw it out in the world and expect for it to happen. But after attempting and looking for different ideas that crosses my mind and which even moved up towards execution, but which proved failed attempts, I think that now I have a better path towards it.

Autonomy and expression

By building my own business on the Hive blockchain, I have the autonomy to shape every aspect of it according to my ideology. I should be able to put in place the practices and culture that align with the values and beliefs that I've grown with or depicted from other projects from this ecosystem.

Community engagement

Having my own project will offer a great platform for community engagement and activism and what a great place Hive is for that. This is the best place to mobilize resources, networking and to rally support for the project. By actively engaging with the community, one can foster collaboration, build networks, and amplify the growth, things that I am hoping to embed around it.

Innovative solutions

As a business owner, I have the opportunity to innovate and introduce new solutions that embody my ideology. I am thrilled just thinking that entrepreneurship allows to pioneer ideas and initiatives that can make a meaningful impact on the Hive blockchain in special and blockchain and crypto space in general.

Legacy and long term impact

For few years I felt that I need to build something on my own to leave my mark in the world. And what better way to do that while being surrounded by people believing in the same things and on a platform that encourages and supports that.

I hope that I finally found the path that I want to embark to and that I can execute. Previous failed attempts should help me now to better and advance more into the project that I am trying to build. I try to split and balance my personal life, work life and hobby life - the one around crypto and blockchain - and be able to have visible progress in all of them. It will not be easy, but I am determined to make the switch and build a sustainable project that I hope in the end will provide a source of income for me and for everyone that will be involved in it. Nevertheless I want to close this post with a conclusion that I've reached on my own and just to leave it up there for you to think of as well...

Building your own business is the only way to put your ideology in the world...

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Good. I bring my work here and it's been a great place to share my work. I need to put more effort but my real think is the photoshoot. Maybe i need some marketing and social media assistance

It is within our grasp and own doing to make it happen and start a "business" on the hive blockchain. As little or as big as we envision it.

It's great be in contact with others and get new ideas, share and be able to learn more

One can also showcase his project here to the community.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Hive itself gives you the opportunity for good collaboration opportunities especially because the community is filled with brilliant people.

That’s a good thing to know. As for me, I started a new business with my Hive and I want to start accepting payments in HBD
I’d introduce my costumers to HBD too

Keep pushing,best of luck my friend!

There are a lot of numerous opportunities that hive has presented us with that we just need to make wise use of it

Mind is running all the time and ideas are coming so we should pick the best one so that we don't face failure in the future I have been working on this platform for two years. It has been done, but the people who have voted so far are not on my post, please give me a suggestion.

There is so much platform that hive provides and the truth is there is more to that. I see hive as a way where by it can connects like minded marketers together