Hive - Another 1.4k Power Up pushed my staking over 42k Hive Power

in LeoFinancelast month

I am on a journey to double up on Hive and I am powering up everything that I grab my hands on. A little bit over two weeks ago I got to 40,000 Hive Power and now I intend to push that even further. Today I will be powering another 1.4k Hive and with my balance already standing around 40.6k Hive Power, that simply pushes it well above the 42k milestone. The efforts that I am doing are to reach 50k and lately I have undertake some big jumps towards that goal.


So, here I go:

  • Available liquid Hive: 1,399.541 HIVE
  • Staked Hive Power: 40,625.033 HP
  • Powering Up ............. All available liquid Hive Powered Up
  • New Staked Hive Power: 42,024.574 HP


You might ask yourself why I keep on powering up when some are thinking about taking profits with any opportunity they present themselves with. Well, I've decided to play the long time with some of my assets and Hive is one of them. As Hive tokens inflation decreases over time, that pushes to have a supply that will simply not keep up with all the developments that are done on this blockchain. While we see developments done at infrastructure level, that will push new dapps and opportunities developing as well. And this can only benefit the Hive stakeholders like you and me.

Thus my journey continues and I will be sharing with you every important milestone along the way. And as the phrase is saying: Go big or go... bigger! This is the way!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


If there was a way to stake HIVE on an approved US exchange I would do just as you are.
Glad to see your growth happening.

No need to stake on Exchanges, simply power it up and that simply provides you 2.93% APR pure passively. Curate and you will push that easily above 10%. Delegate and you can push that well above 20%. So many ways to earn.

I've been here nearly 7 years and still don't get

Great Power Up!
@tipu curate

Much appreciated! I have motivation to reach 50k and I will push as hard as I can for it. This is the way! ;)

You're killing it man. Glad to see you building. Congratulations

Thanks for the powerful words. Hive provided so much, so it would be a pity not to continue betting on it with all the latest developments.

I also want to increase my power in the same way. As soon as I get a good job, I will definitely do it. It is good that you have reached a good level on this project.

I believe that if we put a bit of our earnings aside and power them up, we can build a nice stash in time. And when the value will be reflected in the price, that's when we will be truly repaid.

this is amazing and many congratulations on the power up @behiver

Thanks and wish you all the same, see you at the top!

Well-done and that's why I'm following your journey. It's inspirational as well as impressive and I'll make sure to keep following and supporting as I can. You're right, eventually stakeholders are eventual benefactors.

@tipu curate

We are far away from the Hive blockchain potential, so now is a good time as any to stake some more. With inflation decreasing, I believe that Hive value will only increase in time.

You're right. It might take a while but it's inevitable that it'll happen for Hive

Wow well done!

You’re the real king
Good job!

Congratulations and well done my man!

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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You must be killin' it out here!
@trumpman just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @behiver.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District